Welcome back party for the Centre of Gender and Diversity
On Wednesday 21 September 2022 from 11-12:30 pm some twenty-five people gathered together at the welcome (back) party, hosted by the new director of the CGD, Eliza Steinbock Associate Professor of Gender and Diversity.
Eliza and vice-dean of Research Sally Wyatt gave former director Lies Wesseling a warm thank you for her ten years of service. After a round of introductions, including of the CGD’s student assistant, Rahel Koch, who is revamping the CGD’s online presence and helping to organize our events, the meeting got started.
The agenda was focused on changes and continuities in the CGD’s outlook and organization. Eliza went through the plans for the new CGD website, including an updated vision statement and logo, which the group brainstormed together. The new event-based calendar that will replace regularly scheduled meetings was also discussed. Eliza explained how to apply for research event grants of up to € 2000 that will be made available for CGD affiliate members who want to organize a CGD sponsored event in this coming year. Joint applications will be strongly encouraged for events ranging for PhDs and early career researchers, for the FASoS and UM community, and for a wider (inter)national audience.
With the new broader scope for the CGD’s research and valorization that should include any type of disciplinary approach practiced at FASoS, it was important to clarify who can become an affiliate member. Eliza confirmed that the Centre for Gender and Diversity has an open-door policy: any FASoS person who is engaged with a PhD trajectory, on a Postdoc, or is faculty at UM (including teaching fellows) can join as a member. Research Masters and Masters students are also welcome to participate in any CGD activities and can join the communications list to be informed of all announcements, but technically speaking they are not eligible for membership. Staff who only wish to be on the communication list and not featured on the website as a member are also welcome to join as a participant. Affiliation is free and can be combined with membership in other centres. To join simply notify Rahel and Eliza by email that you wish to join as a member or a participant. As a member, you immediately will become eligible for applying for grants and will be included on the email list, newsletter, and webpage. Rahel will follow up by sending you a link to a google doc where you fill in information we need for putting you on our webpage.
We closed out the meeting by having an inaugural decorating of the “G&D Article Tree” (located in the hallway of GG80-82 level two). Everyone was invited to hang a print-out of a publication related to any gender and diversity topic on the pin board and then ring the bell to celebrate. All members are invited to hang their new article at a time convenient to them, or to update a formerly hung article. We also checked out the books, artist catalogues, and journal issues written and edited by CGD members that are available to view next to the copier in the same hallway. All members are invited to bring copies of their books to place in the clear plastic holders in this public “G&D library.”
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