University College Maastricht’s Teun Dekker first European Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education!

On 1 July 2017, Prof. Teun Dekker became the first Professor in Liberal Arts and Sciences Education in Europe. His main duties will be creating public awareness of Liberal Arts in the Netherlands and abroad, and conducting research on Liberal Arts education in the European context as well as its social, political and educational significance.

"The word professor comes from the idea of professing, of talking about what you really believe in. And I really believe in Liberal Arts. So the idea is that I will be some kind of ambassador for Liberal Arts and write and lecture about why Liberal Arts matters for democracy, for the labour market, but mainly for living a good life so that the world gets a better understanding of what the Liberal Arts movement is all about."

UCM - the seven liberal arts
Giovanni di Ser Giovanni Guidi - The Seven Liberal Arts

We met with Prof. Dekker to get a better understanding of his professorship and his vision on what Liberal Arts and Sciences is and why it is important.

Read the entire interview

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