NWO grants for talented Maastricht researchers

Veni grants published
3 August 2023

The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) this week awarded prestigious grants to five talented researchers at Maastricht University. One researcher is also affiliated with Maastricht UMC+. The researchers will receive a Veni grant of up to 280,000 euros. These grants are intended for newly promoted researchers, who are still at the beginning of their scientific careers. With this funding, the laureates can develop their own innovative line of research and set up their own research group.

Veni grants

Dr. ir. R.J. Holtackers: Interventional cardiac MRI: a new treatment method for cardiac arrhythmias. New developments have recently made it possible to perform ablation therapy for cardiac arrhythmias in an MRI scanner. Due to the excellent soft tissue image contrast of MRI, the different tissues of the heart can be imaged in great detail and completely radiation-free. This study investigates whether the outcome of the treatment can be predicted based on specific findings in the images at the time of treatment, in order to immediately provide additional treatment if necessary  to improve the outcome of the treatment in the long term.

Dr. M.R.P. Simons: Toward an ecology of technoscience. This project mobilizes a central idea within French philosophy of technology, namely that every technology can only function within certain environments, in order to shed new light on contemporary technosciences (synthetic biology, robotics, AI). Hence, the scientific question of what kind of applications we want to develop, also becomes a societal question of which technoscientific environments we find acceptable to live in. Through a set of case studies, mapping their commonalities and differences, this project aims to propose a framework that can study technosciences simultaneously at a technical and societal level.

Drs. J.F. PhD Palacios Temprano: The Social Impact of Decarbonizing the Housing Market. The housing market is undergoing an unprecedented transformation to reduce carbon emissions. Home energy retrofits have the potential to improve the living conditions of millions of households, not only through the reduction of energy expenditures, but also through improved comfort and indoor environmental quality. However, robust evidence on the broader socio-economic implications of home energy retrofits is scant. This project uses comprehensive records of home energy retrofits, together with individual health and socio-economic microdata, to assess the causal effect of home energy retrofits on societal outcomes. The results will allow for better policy evaluations of home energy retrofit programs.

Dr. M.R. Löffler: Housing markets and economic inequality. Cities around the world experience tremendous housing booms. However, incomes have not kept up with rising prices. Ample media coverage highlights the displacement of long-term residents out of their neighborhoods. There exists little systematic evidence on the consequences of house price booms and their impact on income inequality and socio-economic segregation of cities. My research will analyze the interplay between housing markets, inequality, and public policy across Europe amid this unprecedented affordable housing crisis. Combining recent theoretical advances with newly available data and quasi-experimental statistical methods, I will provide the empirical basis for urgently needed policy recommendations.

Dr. J. Trommelen: More protein for better health. Dietary protein provides the building blocks for organs. The current recommendations for protein intake are based on the prevention of a deficiency. However, higher protein intakes offer further health benefits. This research uses a new approach to determine how much protein needs to be consumed to support optimal health.

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