Municipalities in South Limburg invest in the international labour market

Active support by Maastricht University
23 February 2024

Heerlen, Maastricht, and Sittard-Geleen will continue the services for the Euregional and international labour market in South Limburg for an extended period. Facilities such as border information points and the Expat Centre can expect an annual investment of 1.2 million euros in the coming years. Alongside other knowledge institutions and employers, Maastricht University actively supports the attraction and retention of Euregional and international talent.

During a meeting on February 22, 2024, in Geleen, Maastricht University was one of the signatories of the document through which the 'Coalition of the Willing' pledged their active support to the initiative of the South Limburg municipalities.

Maastricht University will contribute to the early matching of businesses and students. This aligns seamlessly with one of the measures that Dutch universities announced earlier this month for a proper balance in internationalisation: "Each university, in collaboration with regional and national employers, will develop a multi-year plan to increase the stay rate of international students. This may include encouraging fieldwork, internships, and graduation assignments at organisations and companies in the Netherlands." Enhancing Dutch language proficiency is also part of this initiative.

On behalf of Maastricht University, Margriet Schreuders, Director of the Student Services Centre, signed the agreeement of the 'Coalition of the Willing'. 

Werkgevers en kennisinstellingen in Zuid-Limurg: 'Coalition of the Willing'

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