MPIWG scholarship and ArchiScienza grant for Karin Bijsterveld

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) in Berlin has granted Karin Bijsterveld with a second visiting scholarship to continue her work on the history of the Stasi’s sound analysis program. Bijsterveld has also received a new grant (€22,500) for her Dutch language audiobook project “Weg van lawaai”.

Karin Bijsterveld will stay at the MIPWG in September and October 2019, and will organise a closed workshop entitled “Slicing Sound,” with experts on sound analysis and censorship in other former communist countries, and with experts on the history of the political opposition in the GDR.

Bijsterveld has also received a new grant (€22,500) for her Dutch language audiobook project “Weg van lawaai”. The funder of the first phase of this collaborative project, created with Image and Sound in Hilversum and Publishing House Rubinstein in Amsterdam, was NWO-KIEM. ArchiScienza, a private foundation for architecture and science, will fund the second phase of the project. This second phase aims for a GPS-based version of the audiobook—matching stories with what is visible on and alongside the road—and will extend it with new stories and historical audio examples. One of these stories will focus on the history of the A2 tunnel in Maastricht. Its author will be Anique Hommels, who has received a FASoS Valorisation Stimulation Grant to do this. Other partners for the second phase are, once again, Sound and Image in Hilversum, and Q42, a company that will build the app that affords a GPS-based audiobook.

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