Limburg and North Rhine-Westphalia working on border issues

Two meetings were held this week between deputy dr. Joost van den Akker (Economy and Knowledge Infrastructure) and his colleague minister Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart of North Rhine-Westphalia. During these meetings, deputy Van den Akker indicated that he would like to establish more cooperation between North Rhine-Westphalia and Limburg in the future.​

Together with a delegation from RWTH Aachen and chairman Prof. Martin Paul from Maastricht University, Dutch-German cooperation in the area of ​​biobased materials was explained by campus director Dr. Bert Kip. According to deputy Van den Akker, an example of the good cooperation between Dutch and German knowledge institutes is AMIBM (Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials). On Wednesday 11 July the two directors met again, but this time across the border, in Düsseldorf. During this meeting, knowledge was exchanged about issues concerning internet pharmacies, truck parking places and the future European budget.

Province of Limburg

 Together with a large neighbor such as North Rhine-Westphalia and knowledge institutes such as Maastricht University and RWTH in Aachen, the Euregion can only become stronger if international cooperation is also being pursued in the field of innovation.  

- Deputy Van den Akker

During the working visits it was agreed to examine closer cooperation.

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