Health Sciences student wins Student Research Award

During the annual Student Research Conference (SRC) organized by the VSNU on November 11th Health Sciences student Guna Schwanen received the Student Research Award for the best bachelor research of the Netherland and Flanders in the category ‘law, economy and society’. She received this award for her study of the relationship between self-compassion and social anxiety.

The SRC is a conference in which the undergraduate research is the main topic. The conference aims to increase the undergraduate students' enthusiasm for academic research. Students get a unique opportunity to present their research to each other and to a wider audience. They also get the opportunity to experience the academic practice by attending a scientific conference. 

The Student Research Award is awarded by a jury of professors. The jury reviews the papers individually and visits the workshops. The jury pays attention to the quality of research, the relevance to society, originality and the presentation skills of the student. All selected papers will be published in an (e)-journal. As an excellent Health Sciences student Guna participated in the Marble+ programme. 

Guna Schwanen (third from the right)

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