Half-million-euro grant for Maastricht research into lung tumours

The Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) will fund Maastricht-based research into lung tumours with a €498,000 grant. The grant was awarded to Professor Ernst-Jan Speel (Pathology) and Professor Anne-Marie Dingemans (Pulmonary disease) of the Maastricht UMC+.

The research in question examines predictive markers for metastases following surgical removal of lung tumours known as pulmonary carcinoids. This new grant will be used to initiate a follow-up study into the predictive value of two previously identified genes with respect to the development of metastases.

In cooperation with Dr Fernandez-Cuesta of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, Lyon), these rare tumours will be analysed with the help of so-called next-generation sequencing, a new method of DNA research in which all desired genes can be examined simultaneously for the presence of pathogenic mutations.

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