FPN Education Prize 2018: the results are in!

27 June, a beautiful sunny afternoon, a heated World Cup match (sorry Germany), and drinks in the fridge: the perfect setting for the FPN Education Prize award ceremony.

Every year the FPN Student Council nominates the best tutors and courses within our faculty for the FPN Education Prizes. Dean Anita Jansen and Vice-Dean of Education Rob Ruiter were present to award the prizes in four categories: Top Student Tutor, Top Staff Tutor, Top Bachelor Course, and Top Master Course.

Due to the overwhelming number of Peters at FPN, the Student Council had a special medal crafted for the Best Peter, which went to Peter Römgens.

The official ceremony started with the newly initiated FPN Award for distinguished service, academic or administrative achievement, or social merit. The first winners were Rosanne Janssen (support staff) and Teresa Schuhmann (academic staff).

Then it was time to celebrate the end of another wonderful academic year at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, with drinks, snacks, and laughter.

Thom Frijns

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