Student facilities

Earn additional ECTS and discover new interests at the Maastricht Summer School

Do you want to learn new things or earn additional ECTS credits? Try the Maastricht Summer School. From June through September, you can choose from various courses in the fields of arts & culture, business & economics, law & politics, sciences and social sciences. The Maastricht Summer School also offers education for professionals. Filip Eiffert is one of the students who has already followed three courses at the Summer School. 

I needed ECTS. I started to look at what I wanted to do and discovered some very interesting courses. I eventually did three courses. One was in consumer neuroscience and neurobusiness, the other one was an introduction to data analytics in R and the last one was ‘Media Representations and Research Methods: Critical Discourse Analysis, Social Semiotics and News Framing’. The courses were well-structured, and the content was very interesting. The professors are super nice and knowledgeable.”

Maastricht Summer School allows people to discover academic fields other than the ones they are currently studying. For example, the neuroscience economic marketing course helped me to figure out what I want to do in the future. I liked it so much that my master’s programme will probably be in that direction.”

Text: Letterdesk
Photography: Joris Hilterman

Filip Eiffert

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