AMIBM PhD candidate Carlos Andrés García Velásquez selected to attend the 2019 YSSP

The PhD candidate Carlos Andrés García Velásquez, researcher in the group of associate professor Yvonne van der Meer at the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM) is one of the selected researchers to attend the 2019 YSSP.

Since 1977, the International Institute for Applied Science Analysis (IIASA) has been promoting a 3-month Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) that offers research opportunities to talented young researchers whose interests correspond with the institute’s ongoing research on issues of global environmental, economic, and social change. For the 2019 YSSP, there were 342 applicants from different countries of the world but only 55 researchers were selected in this opportunity to be part of the program.

Young Scientists Summer Program

The 2019 YSSP is going to take place in Laxenburg, Austria between June and August of 2019. Carlos will be under the supervision of the Dr. Sylvain Leduc within the Ecosystems Service & and Management (ESM) with the aim to develop a multi criteria decision model that involves economic and environmental criteria in order to evaluate the performance of the production of bio-based materials (e.g. biopolymers). For this purpose, Carlos will use the model developed by Dr. Leduc, BeWhere Europe that has been applied in many applications such as forest based bio-energy, algae production, solar or wind energy.

Carlos Andrés García Velásquez

In 2017, Carlos obtained a PhD position within the European Marie Skłodowska-Curie training network Fibrenet that trains PhDs in the field of bio-based fibres. His PhD project on life cycle assessment of bio-based fibre products is hosted at the sustainability research group of AMIBM at Maastricht University.

I am very happy to be selected as one of the YSSP 2019. I think it is a great opportunity to promote collaboration with one of the most renowned research institutes in Europe.  

Carlos Andrés García Velásquez

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