Academic Leadership - Nurturing Talent, Developing Skills
On Friday 31 January 2020, UM celebrated its 44th Dies Natalis in Sint Janskerk. Organisational psychologist Prof. Carsten de Dreu (Leiden University) held the Dies lecture around this year's topic ‘‘Academic Leadership - Nurturing Talent, Developing Skills'’ and two honorary doctorates were awarded. During the ceremony, the Rector awarded the Wynand Wijnen Education Prize, the Dissertation Prize, and the Student Prizes.
Impressions from the Dies Natalis
Rector Magnificus Prof. Rianne Letschert announces the order of the professors in the cortège, on the steps of Minderbroedersberg.
Photos by Harry Heuts
Prof. De Dreu (right) about to deliver the Dies lecture and next to him Prof. Peiró, who will receive an honorary doctorate.
The cortege leaves the main administrative building for Sint Janskerk, where the Dies celebration will take place.
The cortège making its way to the church.
Prof. Rianne Letschert gives her welcome speech, in which she introduces the theme of the ceremony: academic leadership.
Letschert stressed that academics (both young and old) should and will receive more support in shaping their leadership qualities.
Prof. Carsten De Dreu delivered the Dies Lecture titled ‘On the Psychology and Economics of Leading Groups’.
In 2018, De Dreu received the highest personal recognition given to Dutch scientists: the Spinoza Prize.
He argued in favour of the ‘form follows function’ principle in leadership. Participative leadership is is highly valued in many organisations, but when your house is on fire, you don't want a good conversation with the fire chief, according to De Dreu.
Prof. Kathryn Shaw of Stanford University received an honorary doctorate from the School of Business and Economics.
The Economics professor told the audience that her father took her to a manufacturing business as a child to show her how things were made. This became a common thread in her career, she explained.
She was very moved and said this was a very special moment for her. She urged everyone to follow their passion.
Prof. José M. Peiró from the Universitat de València received an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience.
His supervisor from the faculty was Prof. Fred Zijlstra.
The professor of Organisational and Social Psychology is a key expert in his field.
Three master's students from the Fontys Academy of Music and Performing Arts: Mara Kers, Marijke Loopen and Meren Verhaegh, performed the music.
Prof. Leo Köhler of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences won the Wynand Wijnen Education Prize.
Professor Köhler coordinates the Bachelor's degree programme in Biomedical Sciences, but above all, she is a great source of assistance and moral support for all students.
Raymond van de Berg received the 2019 Dissertation Prize for his thesis ‘The Vestibular Implant - Feasibility in humans’.
Nine students, from all six UM faculties, were awarded the 2019 Master’s Student Awards for their excellent master's theses.
At the morning ceremony, eighteen bachelor's students were honoured for their excellent theses.
Rector Magnificus Rianne Letschert also led this ceremony.
The morning programme took place in the auditorium of the administrative building at Minderbroedersberg.
The winners of the Bachelor’s Student Awards at the end of the morning ceremony.
Wynand Wijnen Education Prize
This year’s Wynand Wijnen Education Prize, awarded to staff members who have made an exceptional contribution to education at Maastricht University, went to Leo Köhler. She coordinates the Bachelor's degree programme in Biomedical Sciences and is an enormous source of assistance and moral support for all students.
Dissertation Prize
The 2019 Dissertation Prize, for the best thesis at the two Randwijck faculties, went to Raymond van de Berg of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences. His dissertation was titled: ‘The Vestibular Implant - Feasibility in humans’.
Master's Student Prize
The 2019 Master's Student Prizes were presented to nine students from six faculties for their outstanding master’s theses.