Prof Dr Maarten Vink (M.P.)
Marie Labussiere, The impact of citizenship acquisition on educational outcomes among immigrant descents (since August 2017, co-supervision with Mark Levels).
Christophe Leclerc, The relation between citizenship acquisition and immigrants' residential outcomes and health status (since August 2017, co-supervision with Hans Schmeets).
Samuel Schmidt, Do inclusive societies need closed borders? Analyzing an empirical puzzle engrained in normative theory. European University Institute, Department of Social and Political Science (since September 2015, external co-supervision with Rainer Bauböck).
Marloes de Hoon, Mobility in Context: Migration Trajectories in a Border Region Context. Maastricht University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (since January 2016, co-supervision with Hans Schmeets).
Thomas Huddleston, How Naturalisation Works in Practice: The Implementation of Naturalisation Laws across Europe. Part-time PhD project at Maastricht University, Campus Brussels (since November 2012, co-supervision with Gerard-René de Groot).
Dersim Yabasun, The protection of vulnerable asylum applicants in the Common European Asylum System. Maastricht University, Faculty of Law (co-supervision with Hildegard Schneider).
Paulina Bury-Kosc, Cooperation and Competition in EU Highly Skilled Migration Policy. Part-time PhD project at Maastricht University, Campus Brussels. PhD defense 6 December 2018 (co-supervision with Tannelie Blom).
Zvezda Vankova, Circular migration from the Eastern partnership countries to the EU: The rights of migrant workers in Bulgaria and Poland. Maastricht University, Faculty of Law. PhD Defense 27 June 2018 (co-supervision with Hildegard Schneider).
Fanny Tittel-Mosser, Transnational Migration, Postcolonial Ties and Mobility Partnerships Between the EU and Third Countries: A Comparative Study. University of Minho, Faculty of Law. PhD defense 16 October 2018, awarded with designation ‘muito bom’ (very good) (external co-supervision with Patricia Jeronimo).
Floris Peeters, The Citizenship Premium? Immigrant Naturalisation and Social-Economic Integration in the Netherlands. Maastricht University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. PhD defense (cum laude) 28 March 2018 (co-supervision with Hans Schmeets).
Marie De Somer, Autonomy Through Precedent: A Longitudinal Analysis of the EU Court of Justice’s Case Law on Family Reunification. Maastricht University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. PhD defense: 26 June 2017 (co-supervision with Sophie Vanhoonacker). Ernst B. Haas Best Dissertation Award (Honorable Mention), European Politics and Society organized interest group, American Political Science Association.
Claudia Engelmann, Informal Governance in European Migration Management: Coordination of Asylum Policies among EU Member States. Maastricht University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. PhD defense: 20 March 2015 (co-supervision with Thomas Christiansen).
Natasja Reslow, Partnering for Mobility? Three-Level Games in EU External Migration Policy. Maastricht University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. PhD defense: 5 September 2013 (co-supervision with Sophie Vanhoonacker).
Victor Cebotari, Conflicting Demands in Ethnically Diverse Societies: Ethnopolitical Contention and Identity Values in Europe. Maastricht University, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance. PhD defense: 24 November 2010 (co-supervision with Chris de Neubourg).