Prof Dr Madelon Peters (M.L.)
Madelon Peters is professor in Experimental Health Psychology. She chairs the section Experimental Health Psychology.
Her research focuses on risk and resilience factors in relation to (chronic) pain.
research topics:
- risk and resilience for chronic pain
- predictors of acute and chronic post surgical pain
- positive psychology, more in particular optimism
- positive psychology interventions
- predictors of quality of life after cancer treatment
Career history
2007-present Professor of Experimental Health Psychology, Maastricht University
2002-2007 Associate professor (UHD), Maastricht University
1997-2002 Assistant professor (UD), Maastricht Universit
1996-1997 Post-doc researcher, University Utrecht
1993-1996 Post-doc researcher, University Utrecht
1991-1992 Project Manager, Institute of Human Psychopharmacology
1987-1991 PhD-student, Maastricht University