Karlijn Massar (K.)
Karlijn Massar is an associate professor in the Section of Applied Social Psychology, in the Department of Work and Social Psychology.
Since 2019, she is also Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, Airlangga Universitas, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Her research interests include: health inequalities and the role of psychological capital to reduce them; jealousy; intrasexual competition; evolutionary psychology; impostor phenomenon; structural determinants of health & health behavior; strength-based psychological resources
- Since 2022, Karlijn is the FPN Kartrekker for 'Theme 5: Societal Inequality & Diversity' for the SSH Sector Plans.
- She started the Platform for research on Equality and Equity in Psychology (PEEP) in 2023.
- Karlijn is regularly invited to give talks on the Psychology of Poverty for municipalities and housing corporations (for Platform31).
Karlijn Massar (K.)
Associate Professor
Sectie Toegepaste Sociale Psychologie
Arbeids- en Sociale Psychologie
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience