Dr Joël Karel (J.M.H.)
Joël Karel is an associate professor at the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences of the Maastricht University Faculty of Science and Engineering. He is conducting research in the field of Signal Processing and Data Analysis. In this reseach the interest is on developing methods, but not without an eye on applications. The main application field are BioMedical applications and there Joël is involved in multiple collaborations. Joël is coordinating the Signals & Control reasearch area. In terms of lecturing, Joël is involved in the courses on Mathematical Modelling, Simulation & Statistical Analysis and Signal & Image Processing.
- Biomedical signal processing
- Filtering
- Image analysis
- Wavelet analysis
- Instantanious frequency
- Empirical signal processing
- Model based signal processing
- Causal coupling analysis
- Data analysis
Dr Joël Karel (J.M.H.)
Associate Professor
Chair of the Board of Examiners
Coordinator Signals & Complex Systems and Images Research Area