Dr Johannes Stauder (J.E.A.)

Research profile
  • Applied cognitive neuroscience
  • Developmental psychology
  • Developmental disorders
Recent publications
Other publications
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Molenaar, P.C.M, Molen, M.W. van der (1989). Equivalent dipole modeling of topographic ERP-components: A developmental case study. Journal of Psychophysiology,3 361-368.
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Molenaar P.C.M. & Molen, M.W. van der (1993). Event related brain potential analysis of the conservation of liquid quantity. Child Development, 64, 769-788.
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Molen M.W. van der, Bayard, S , & Lassond, M. (1996). Relations développementales entre potentiels évoqués cognitifs et l’intelligence non-verbale mesurée par l’épreuve de Raven: une étude longitudinale,/ Developmental changes in relations between event-related potentials and Raven intelligence: A longitudinal study. Approche-Neuropsychologique-des-Apprentissages-chez-l"Enfant (ANEA), 9 (1): 20-25.
  • Lavoie, M., Stauder, J.E.A., Robaey, P., Glorieux, J., Lefebvre, F. (1997) A topographical ERP study of healthy premature 5 years old children in the auditory and visual modalities. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 104(3): 228-243.
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Molen, M.W. van der, Molenaar P.C.M. & (1998). Changing relations between intelligence and brain activity during late childhood: A longitudinal event-related potential study. Brain and Cognition, 37(1):119-122.
  • Lavoie, M., Robaey, P., Stauder, J.E.A, Glorieux, J., Lefebvre, F. (1998). Extreme prematurity in healthy 5-year-old children: A re-analysis of sex effects on event-related brain activity, Psychophysiology, 35(6): 679-689.
  • Bayard, S., Lavoie, M.E, Stauder, J.E.A., & Lassonde, M. (1999). Visual location and form analysis: An oddball event-related potentials study. Brain and Cognition, vol 40, 1, pp. 38-41.
  • Mottron, L, Burack, J.A., Stauder, J.E.A. & Robaey, P. (1999) Perceptual processing among high-functioning persons with autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and allied disciplines, 40, 2, pp. 203-211.
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Molen, M.W. van der, & Molenaar, P.C.M. (1999).Brain activity and cognitive transition during childhood: A longitudinal event-related brain potential study. Child Neuropsychology, 5,1, pp. 41-59.
  • Dupin, R., Laurent, J.P., Stauder, J.E.A., Saliba, E. (2000). Auditory attention processing in 5-year-old children born preterm: Evidence from event-related potentials. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 42, 476-480.
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Molen, M.W. van der, Molenaar, P.C.M. (2001). Age, intelligence and event-related brain potentials during late childhood: A longitudinal study. Intelligence (in press).

Papers in preparation

  • Dupin, R., Laurent, J.P., Stauder, J.E.A., Saliba, E. ERP indices of undifferentiated visual attentional search strategies in 5 years old preterm children (submitted).
  • Stauder, J.E.A, Lavoie, M. Stimulus response compatibility and automatic processing (in preparation).
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Mottron, L. A perceptual deficit in high functioning autism: the absence of interference between whole and parts (in preparation).

Papers presented at conferences and workshops

  • Stauder, J.E.A., Molenaar, P.C.M, Molen, M.W. van der & Kok, A (1988). Equivalent dipole modeling of PCA-derived topographic ERP-components. Psychophysiology, 25, 483.
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Molenaar, P.C.M, Molen, M.W. van der (1989). Reactietijd meting in conservatie taken. Tijdschrift voor Ontwikkelingspsychologie, 16, 65-66 (presentation in Dutch).
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Molenaar, P.C.M, Molen, M.W. van der (1989). ERP scalp topography as a fucntion of age and stage of cognitive development. Psychophysiology, 26, 579.
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Molenaar, P.C.M, Molen, M.W. van der (1990). Generators of event-related brain potentials in an oddball task: A dipole modeling approach. Psychophysiology, 27, S66.
  • Stauder, J.E.A. (1991). Dipole modeling and endogenous ERP components: individual differences. Journal of Psychophysiology, 5, 217.
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Bruijn, P. de, Molenaar, P.C.M. & Molen, M.W. van der (1991). Elektrische hersenaktiviteit en intelligentie. Tijdschrift voor Ontwikkelingspsychologie, 18, 50-51 (presentation in Dutch).
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Molenaar, P.C.M. & Molen, M.W. van der (1991). Elektrische hersen aktiviteit en Piagetiaanse stadium- overgangen. Tijdschrift voor Ontwikkelings-psychologie, 18, 51-52 (presentation in Dutch).
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Van der Molen, M.W., & Molenaar, P.C.M. (1992). ERP scalp distribution and Piagetian stage transitions in cognitive development during childhood. Psychophysiology, 29, 4A, S67.
  • Mottron, L., Robaey, P., Stauder, J.E.A., Seron, X. (1993). Dénombrement accéléré d'items dans l'autisme infantile: étude de cas unique. Resumés des communications du Club de Recherches Cliniques du Quebec (35me Réunion Annuelle), Médecine Sciences 9 (supplement 1), 243.
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Van der Molen, M.W., & Molenaar, P.C.M. (1993). ERP topography and differences in intelligence: longitudinal development study. The International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography, 99.
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Mottron, L., Lambert, M., Shevell, M.I., McKelvey, R., Robaey, P. (1994). A comparison between SPECT and Topographical ERPs in Asperger's syndrome. Journal of Psychophysiology, 8, 4, 368.
  • Lavoie, P., Stauder, J.E.A., Glorieux, J. Lefebvre, F. Robaey, P. (1994). Accuracy, response speed and event related brain activity at 5 years of neurologically unimpaired children 24-28 weeks' gestational age. Behavioral Medicine, 190.
  • Robaey, P., Stauder, J.E.A., Lavoie, M., &, Lelerc, J.M., (1994). Effects of anticancer therapies on cognitive brain activity in children, Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, 97.
  • Shiavetto, Stauder, Mottron, Robaey, & Lassonde (1994). Loss of global processing after right hemisphere atrophy, Society for Neuroscience, 412.7.
  • Hassainia, F., Stauder, J.E.A., Robaey, P. (1995). Topographical representation of the lateralized readiness potential, Psychophysiology (suppl 1): S-39.
  • Lavoie, M.E., Robaey, P., Stauder, J.E.A, Glorieux, J., Lefebvre, F (1995). A topographical ERP effects of extreme prematurity at 5 years of age. Psychophysiology 32 (suppl 1): S-50.
  • Stauder, Molen, van der M.W., & Molenaar, P.C.M. (1995). Event related brain potentials and Piagetian transitions. Genetic Epistemologist, 23,1, p.25-26.
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Mottron, L., Hassainia, P., Robaey P. (1995). High density ERP topography to a 75/25 and 50/50 oddball task in high functioning autism, Psychophysiology 32 (suppl 1): 972.
  • Mottron, L., Stauder, J.E.A., Robaey, P. (1995). Nouveaux arguments electrophysiologiques et neuropsychologiques en faveur d'une anomalie fonctionnelle de l'hémisphère droit dans l'autisme de haut niveau, Livre des résumés, Faculté de Médecine Paris-Sud (Université Paris XI). L`autisme: de la biologie à la clinique, 47.
  • Mottron, L. Robaey, P., J.E.A. Stauder and Burack, J. (1995) .High functioning subjects present particularities in visual processing. Psychological perspectives on Autism, p. 33-35.
  • Hassainia, F., Medida, V., Stauder, J.E.A., Mottron, L. Robaey, P. (1995). The use of F-statistic mapping as a complementary tool to T-statistic mapping in grou comparisons. 17th Annual Conference, IEEE Eng in Med & Biol Soc (cd-Rom) Montreal, Canada.
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Woestenburg, J.C-, Hassainia, F., Mottron, L., Robaey P. (1995). Orthogonal polynomial trend analysis helps interpreting abnormalities in event-related brain potentials in high functioning autism. 17th Annual Conference, IEEE Eng in Med & Biol Soc (cd-Rom), Montreal, Canada.
  • Lavoie, M., Robaey, P., Stauder, J.E.A-, Glorieux, J., Lefebvre, F. (1995). Outcome of very premature children of five years of age: A study of event-related brain activity. Pediatric Research 37(4), p. 263A.
  • Lavoie, M.E., Stauder, J.E.A., Glorieux, I-, Lefebvre, F., Robaey, P. (1995). Étude psychophysiologique des enfants prématurés à l`âge de 5 ans. Médecine et Sciences 11 (suppl. 2), p. 38, abstract 174.
  • Lavoie, M.E., Stauder, J.E.A., Glorieux, J., Lefebvre, F., Robaey, P. (1995). Hyperactivity in premature children: An Event-Related Brain Potentials study. Brain and Cognition 28(2), p. 199, abstract M-5.
  • Lavoie, M.E., Robaey, P., Stauder, J.E.A., Glorieux, J., & Lefebre, F. (1996). Long-term impact of the level of prematurity on performance and event-related brain potentials, International Journal of Psychology, 31, 3-4, 20.
  • Robaey, P, Bourassa, M., & Stauder, J.E.A (1996). Brain laterelized readiness potentials in ADHD children. International Journal of Psychology, 31, 3-4, 76.
  • Stauder, J.E.A. (1996) Electrophysiology as an index of cognitive development. International Journal of Psychology, 31, 3-4, 292.
  • Stauder, J.E.A., Molen, M.W. van der, Molenaar, P.C.M.. (1996). Sudden changes in electrical activity associated with Piagetian transitions in cognitive development. The growing mind, Centennial of Jean Piaget`s birth, p.289.
  • Stauder, J.E.A., & Mottron, L (2000). Visual context in high-functioning autism vs. matched controls: A topographical ERP study, Journal of Psychophysiology, 14(1), S61.


  • A sequential Lagrangian algorithm for constrained dipole modeling. IIIrd Workshop Computers in Psychology, Haren, Groningen, The Netherlands, , November 25, 1988.
  • Topografische en morfologische analyse van ERPs bij 5, 7 en 9 jarigen. Werkgemeenschap Psychofysiologie (PSYCHON), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 25, 1988 (presentation in Dutch).
  • Hoe intelligenter hoe negatiever je slow wave: een ERP studie bij 9 jarige meisjes. 2de Congres van de Netherlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, December 19, 1989 (presentation in Dutch).
  • Endogene ERP componenten: Individuele verschillen in dipool localisatie. Bijeenkomst over bronlocalisatie van mentale processen. Utrecht, The Netherlands, April 2, 1990 (presentation in Dutch).
  • Neuro-electric indices of the development of intelligence during early adolescence: a longitudinal study. IIIrd International Brain Workshop on Neurodevelopment. Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May 10, 1990.
  • Electro-physiological correlates of intelligence. Meeting on Psychophysiology and Pharmacology of stress, aging and information processing, Amsterdam, Netherlands, , June 21, 1990.
  • Intelligence and differences in cognitive processing: An application of dipole source modeling. Symposium: Theory and methods in human cognition research. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oktober 9, 1990.
  • Diagnostische waarde van EEG en Hartslag. Nationaal Psychologen Congres, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, , Oktober 19, 1990 (presentation in Dutch).
  • Dipoolanalyse en de relatie tussen electrische hersenactiviteit en intelligentie. Wetenschapsbeurs Kind & Adolescent. Leiden, The Netherlands, November 10, 1990 (presentation in Dutch).
  • Dipole source modeling of developmental ERPs. Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, December 6, 1990.
  • Ontogenesis of ERPs and dissociations between age and conservation. Biopsychology of development and aging. Paedologisch instituut VU, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 12, 1990.
  • Application of constrained dipole modeling in event-related potential research. Forth Workshop: Computers in Psychology. Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, December 14, 1990.
  • ERP topografie en onderliggende generatoren tijdens het uitvoeren van cognitieve taken. Sectie Fysiologische Psychologie, Katholieke Universiteit Brabant, Tilburg, The Netherlands, January 3, 1991 (presentation in Dutch).
  • Electrische hersenactiviteit en Piagetiaanse stadium-overgangen. Congres van de Psychon- werkgemeenschap Ontwikkelingspsychologie, Dalfsen, The Netherlands, March 6 1991 (presentation in Dutch).
  • ERP topography and stages in cognitive development: A longitudinal study. First European Congress of Psychophysiology, Tilburg, The Netherlands, June 27, 1991.
  • Electrocortical activity during active processing and stages in human intelligence development. Congress 'On Human Development', VU-Biological Faculty, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 8, 1991.
  • ERPs of development in children. Cognitive Neuroscience section, NIH, December 11, Bethesda, Washington D.C., V.S., December 11, 1991.
  • Lokalisation von Generatoren Evozierter Potentiale. Institut für Psychologie, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria , January 14, 1992 (presentation in German).
  • Event-related brain potentials and cognitive development during childhood- Hôpital Sainte-Justine, Montreal, Canada, May 5, 1992.
  • ERP topography and cognitive transitions during childhood. Xth International Conference on ERPs of the Brain (EPIC X), Eger, Hungary, June 9, 1992.
  • Le développement de l'intelligence, Réunion Scientifique du Centre de recherche Hôpital Sainte-Justine, Montreal, Canada, June 30, 1992 (presentation in French).
  • ERP Scalp Distribution and Piagetian Stage Transitions in Cognitive Development during Childhood, Congres of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, San Diego, V.S., October, 22, 1992.
  • Une fenêtre sur le cerveau. Séminaire du Laboratoire de Psychophysiologie Cognitive et de Neuropsychiatrie, Hôpital Sainte-Justine, Montreal, Canada, March 17, 1993 (presentation in French).
  • ERP Topography and differences in intelligence: A longitudinal study. Fourth International Symposium of the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography, Havana, Cuba, July 18, 1993.
  • ERPs and the development of intelligence. American Meeting on Cognitive Event-Related Potential Research (AMCER), New York, V.S., July 30, 1993.
  • Etude du dévelopment de l´intelligence par la technique des potentiels évoqués cognitifs. Département de Psychologie, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada, October 22, 1993 (presentation in French).
  • Applications of cognitive psychophysiology to the study of the development of intelligence. Developmental seminar, Faculty of Educational psychology and Counselling, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, January 25, 1994.
  • A Comparison between spect and topographical ERPs Asperger's syndrome. European Congress of Psychophysiology, Barcelona, Spain, April 9, 1994.
  • The application of cognitive event-related brain potentials in clinical settings. Journée québécoise de la recherche en pédopsychiatrie, Montreal, Canada, April 25, 1994.
  • Nouveaux arguments électrophysiologiques et neuropsychologiques en faveur d'une anomalie fonctionnelle de l´hémisphère droit dans l'autisme de haut niveau. L'autisme: de la biologie à la clinique, Paris, France, April 7-8, 1995 (presentation in French).
  • Probability mapping in the evaluation of topographical ERP abnormalities in a high functioning autistic group. Université de Montréal, Journée de la recherche du Departement de Psychiatrie, Montreal, Canada, May 5, 1995.
  • Information processing abnormalities to frequency differentiation in high functioning autism: an event-related electrophysiological study. McGill University, 3rd Yearly research meeting, Child Psychiatry Division, Montreal, Canada, May 26, 1995.
  • Probability mapping in the evaluation of topographical ERP abnormalities in a high functioning autistic group McGill University, 3rd Annual research meeting, Child Psychiatry division, Poster Presentation, Montreal, Canada, May 26, 1995.
  • Event-related brain potentials and Piagetian transition. Twenty-fifth Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, Berkeley, USA, June 1-3, 1995.
  • High density ERP topography and event-related eye movements to a 75/25 and a 50/50 oddball task in high functioning autistics and controls. The XIth International Conference on Event-Related Potentials of the Brain, Okinawa, Japan, June 25-30, 1995.
  • Topographical representation of the lateralized readiness potential. The XIth International Conference on Event-Related Potentials of the Brain, Okinawa, Japan, June 25-30, 1995.
  • Orthogonal polynomial trend analysis helps interpreting abnormalities in event-related brain potentials in high functioning autism. 17me Conference IEEE-EMBC, Montreal, Canada, September 20-23, 1995.
  • High density ERP topography to a 75/25 and 50/50 oddball task in high functioning autism. 35th Meeting of the Society of Psychophysiological Research, Toronto, Canada, October 8-11, 1995.
  • Applications de Psychophysiologie Cognitive dans la Neuropsychologie Expérimentale et Nouveaux Développements. Groupe de Recherche en Neuropsychologie Expérimentale (GRENE), Saint-Hippolyte, Québec, Canada, April 10, 1996 (presentation in French).
  • Stable abnormalities in visuo-spatial attention and transient memory updating abnormalities in Autism: The use of e new tool for dissociating stable from transient abnormalities in event-related brain activity. Quebec Child Psychiatry Research Day, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, May 10, 1996.
  • Is there a difference in the relation between intelligence and information processing between high level autistics and controls?. La Journée du Réseau Scientifique Santé Mentale FRSQ, Montreal, Canada, May 11, 1996.
  • Electrophysiological indices favouring specific functional abnormalities in high functioning autism. Journée de la recherche du Départment de Psychiatrie, Université de Montreal, Montreal, Canada, May 31, 1996.
  • Automatic Motor Activation in Stimulus-Response Compatibility: A topographical LRP study. TENNET VII, Montreal, Canada, August 14, 1996.
  • Electrophysiology as an index of cognitive development, XXVI International Congress of Psychology, Montreal, Canada, August 16-21, 1996.
  • Compatibilité Stimulus-Reponse et automaticité. Département de Neurosciences du comportement, Université de Lille, Lille, France, September 12, 1996 (presentation in French).
  • Sudden changes in electrical brain activity associated with Piagetian transitions in cognitive development. Growing Mind Conference, Geneve, Zwitserland, September 14-18, 1996.
  • Event-related brain potentials and cognitive development. Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, October 7, 1996.
  • Compatibilité Stimulus-Réponse: theorie et méchanismes physiologiques. Journal club Centre de Recherche Hôpital Côte-des-Neiges, Montreal, Canada, October 23, 1996 (presentation in French).
  • Neurosciences du Comportement. Réunion scientifique de Université de Lille I, Lille, France, June 3, 1997 (presentation in French).
  • Autism and development. International Meeting on Human Development, Maastricht, The Netherlands, November 23, 1998.
  • Neurowissenschaften Tagung, Das Klinicum Aachen, Aachen, Germany, December 12, 1998 (presentation in German).
  • Electrophysiologie cognitive chez l'enfant. Réunion scientifique de la Société de Psychophysiologie Cognitive Lille, France, March 26, 1999 (presentation in French).
  • Autism and Development: Cognition and the Brain. Society for the Mentally Handicapped Child, Maastricht, The Netherlands, November 10, 1999 (presentation in Dutch).
  • Visual context in high-functioning autism vs. matched controls: A topographical ERP study, Federation of European Psychophysiology Societies, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 24-27, 2000.