J. Krauskopf
Julian Krauskopf studied bioinformatics at the Goethe University Frankfurt and the University of Applied Sciences Gießen where he graduated in May 2012. His graduate thesis he accomplished within the Integrative Bioinformatics Unit/Microarray Department at the University of Amsterdam.
After his graduation, he started working as a support bioinformatician at the Applied Bioinformatics Department of Wageningen University where he was involved in several next-generation sequencing based projects.
In February 2013 he started as a PhD student at the Department of Toxicogenomics at Maastricht University. Here he was involved in several European funded projects such as the Exposomics and EnviroGenomarkers project. Under the supervision of Prof. dr. Jos Kleinjans and Prof. dr. Theo de Kok he investigated the influence of xenobiotics on the human microRNA machinery and the potential of microRNAs as biomarkers for human toxicity testing. This work is presented in this thesis: “The blood-borne miRNome - Developing biomarkers for environmental and drug-induced human toxicity”.
In July 2017 he started as a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Toxicogenomics at Maastricht University, where in January 2020 he was appointed as Assistant Professor.
His main research activities are to explore the potential of genomic biomarkers for assessing carcinogenic events and organ damage in populations exposed to environmental carcinogens or treated with medicine.
Moreover, within the BReIN - Brightlands e-Infrastructure for Neurohealth, the focus is on the genomic signatures as novel biomarkers informative about brain injury to identify e.g. neurotoxicity during drug development and early neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s disease).