Dr Ingrid Westendorp (I.)
Dr Ingrid Westendorp is a senior lecturer and researcher in International Law and Woman and Law with the International and European Law Department of Maastricht University. She is interested in research on economic and social human rights, particularly the rights to housing and land, and issues concerning human rights of women such as domestic violence and gender equality in the context of culture. Furthermore, she is interested in doing research in Indonesia, especially the development of the rule of law concerning land rights for women. This is the reason why she took the initiative to establish a land rights research consortium with academics of five Indonesian law schools, i.e. Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, Padjadjaran University in Bandung, Udayana University in Denpasar, University of Indonesia in Jakarta and University of North Sumatra, Medan, and the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights and METRO.
Ingrid Westendorp teaches bachelor courses in International Law at the Faculty of Law and at the University College Maastricht, and a master course on Human Rights of Women in the context of the master’s programme Globalisation and Law of the Faculty of Law. Until December 2018, she coordinated a NUFFIC subsidized 4-year project on capacity building International Law at the Faculty of Law of the Padjadaran University in Bandung, Indonesia and she participated in the research project ‘Mail Order Brides’ of the European Parliament.
In addition to her research and teaching obligations, she is the vice-chair of the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI), and a board member of the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights. She is also an active member of the Working Group Indonesia of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation.
- Economic, social and cultural rights, in particular the right to adequate housing and the right to land
- The influence of culture and tradition on women's human rights
- International law
Career history
After graduating in 1998, Ingrid Westendorp was appointed as a lecturer/junior researcher with the International and European Law department of Maastricht University. She started on her PhD thesis in 2001 and she defended her thesis on 'Women and Housing; Gender Makes a Difference' on 1 June 2007. In 2015 she was promoted to senior lecturer/researcher. Since 2008, she has been involved in projects in Indonesia. Until December 2018, she coordinated a NICHE project on capacity building International Law with the Padjadjaran University in Bandung.
Currently, her research is focused on a right to shelter for asylum seekers in the EU, and the way in which culture affects women's human rights.