Dr I. Houkes, Ph.D.
Research profile
The focus of my current work as a health scientist is on research in the field of work and health. I am associate professor at the Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences at Maastricht University (Netherlands). I graduated from Maastricht University with a MA in Health Sciences (specialization Health Policy and Management). I received my PhD in Health Sciences on work motivation, burnout and turnover in 2002 from Maastricht University. My current research interests encompass various topics such as sustainable employment (of lower educated employees), intervention development, burnout, work life balance, cultural differences in work and health, domestic work, gender and health, engagement of employees, vocational rehabilitation, as well as research methodology. I supervise PhD students who de research in these areas and (co-)author many scientific papers in these fields. These papers are published in journal like the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Vocational Behavior, and the Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness. I co-author several papers with colleagues from the University of Gothenburg (Gothenburg, Sweden), the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm) and the University of Oslo (Norway).