F.G. van Kleef
F.G. (Fallon) van Kleef, MSc, LLM works as a lecturer in criminal (procedural) law and criminology in the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Faculty of Law.
In 2019, Fallon completed the Bachelor's degree in Criminology at KU Leuven. During her bachelor, she completed an internship at the district criminal investigation department in Heerlen, police unit Limburg. She graduated from Maastricht University in 2021 and completed the master's in Forensics, Criminology and Law and the master's in Legal Psychology. She wrote her master's theses on biases during criminal procedures, both how judges recognize tunnel vision during the trial, and how expert witnesses can develop an allegiance bias while assessing witness statements of victims of sexual abuse. During her master's in Forensics, Criminology and Law, Fallon did an internship at the forensic psychiatry organization Mondriaan, which led her to choose to pursue the master's in Legal Psychology. In addition to her masters, Fallon has been a tutor-supervisor at Studiekring.
After graduating, Fallon worked as an analyst in the banking sector, investigating financial crime of medium- and large-sized companies. She joined Maastricht University in July 2023. Fallon is involved in the courses Atrocity Triangle: A Course on the Criminology of Gross Human Rights Violations, Concepts of Criminal Procedure, Skills: Academic Writing and Systeem 2 (Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law). She also is a mentor at European Law School and thesis supervisor for the bachelors’ Dutch Law and European Law School and the master's Forensics, Criminology and Law.