The Wars of the Future

Studium Generale | Techlec

The Russian invasion of Ukraine shows that war is not something of the past or a far away place. Do we have to accept that war is part of man's social existence, as stated by the 18th-century military theorist Carl von Clausewitz? Is the evolution of human society intertwined with its capacity to make war? And if so, what does this mean for the development of warfare?

In this lecture, Frans Osinga will talk about the future of war. What effect will geopolitical and technological developments have on the way war is being waged? What potentialities for conflict can we expect in the future? What developments are happening right now and what can we expect in the field of autonomous systems, drone warfare and hybrid warfare?

TechLec Series - Keeping Track of the Future
Developments in science and technology are accelerating. In addition, there are increasingly far-reaching consequences for our daily lives and society. This series introduces you to the latest developments from the forefront of science and technology.

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