26 Oct
16:00 - 17:30

UM teach-meet: PBL problem design

EDLAB kindly invites you to the fourth UM teach-meet, focussing on PBL problem design. Register before 24 October by sending an e-mail to EDLAB.

EDLAB has invited colleagues from all UM-faculties to give a short pitch regarding this theme and elaborate on, for example:

  • How to design a quality PBL-problem?
  • The secret of captivating tasks that engage students
  • Difficulty levels of problems
  • Different visualisations of problems
  • Other stimulations to spark discussions in PBL
  • How to promote quality and sustainability of problems in UM education?

Sign up now to participate in the next teach-meet! You can just join and listen but also give your input in the discussions that will follow the pitches. Undoubtedly you’ll go back to your faculty with at least one great idea about PBL Problem Design.

Location: EDLAB, Tapijn barracks, building X.
Drinks and snacks will be provided.

For more information and an impression of the first teach meet, visit www.edlab.nl/teachmeet

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