08 Feb
16:00 - 18:00

Theo van Boven - Maastricht Human Rights Research Prize 2018

This prize is intended for an excellent young researcher in the field of human rights laws, international criminal law or international humanitarian law.

The jury has recently decided to award the Prize to dr. Eduardo Arenas Catalán for his book ‘Solidarity and the Right to Health in the Era of Healthcare Commercialization’. The book discusses an important matter from the perspective of social rights and takes an innovative approach.

The Prize consists of 3.000 Euro and a seminar on a subject chosen by the laureate, organized together with the International Law Department and the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights of Maastricht Law faculty.

The prize will formally be awarded on February 8th 2019 in Maastricht from 16h00-18h00 and is part of the presentation of the book about ‘Theo Van Boven and the Transformation of the UN Role’ by Bertrand Ramcharan.

You are cordially invited to attend.

Please register here.

Maastricht University
Science Service Factory
Tongersestraat 6

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