08 Feb
14:00 - 16:00

Book launch of The Advent of Universal Protection of Human Rights

This biographical analysis and collection carries the story of Theo van Boven and his dynamic and courageous leadership in developing the role of human rights protection in the years he was the Director of the United Nations Human Rights Secretariat (1977 - 1982). In this capacity Theo van Boven incrementally built up the protection functions of the United Nations machinery and thereby he was instrumental in bringing about the transformation of the United Nations role in the field of human rights. This book is an impressive account of leadership and strategy. It is based on the personal papers of Theo van Boven and of the author Bertrand Ramcharan who served as his Special Assistant during the years of Van Boven's tenure as UN Director of Human Rights.

Registration is possible here.

Maastricht University
Service Science Factory
Tongersestraat 6

Directly after the book launch (16h00-17h30) the Award Ceremony of the Theo van Boven – Maastricht Human Rights Research Prize 2018 will take place.
This Prize will be awarded to an excellent young researcher in the field of human rights law, international criminal law or international humanitarian law.
You are cordially invited to this Award Ceremony too.

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