On-Site PhD conferral Marjolein Geertruide Hermine van Rooijen

Supervisor: Prof. dr. Sandra Beurskens

Co-supervisors: Dr. Albine Moser, Dr. Anneke van Dijk-de Vries

Keywords: quality of care, Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs), person-oriented care, care for the disabled.

"Implementation of an user experience measure in disability care; meaningful engagement of stakeholders"

People who live in a supported living facility are highly dependent on others for the care they receive. To determine whether this care meets their expectations and wishes, it is important to measure their care experiences. The government also requires this.

Often, patient experiences are measured with questionnaires. However, this can also be done differently: by asking about experiences in a conversation based on themes, you will gain more insight. Talking about experiences and working with outputs is challenging, especially if care users are communication vulnerable, such as in the disabled sector.

The aim of this study was to find out how a promising conversation tool ‘Dit vind ik ervan!’ (‘I think this!’) can be optimally applied. Together with clients with acquired brain injuries, professionals and managers of SGL (Stichting Gehandicaptenzorg Limburg), a successful improvement approach has been developed. This approach allows for more person-centred care.

The research was conducted within the Limburg Meet (LIME) innovation program of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Maastricht University and the Province of Limburg, which focuses on smarter measurement for better health and care (see: www.limeconnect.nl)

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