Science, Transparency and Independence


The Revised Rules on EU Risk Assessment on Food and EFSA

This expert workshop aims at bringing together academics and representatives of EU institutions and agencies to discuss the main innovations of the reform of the General Food Law regulation. Following public controversies and concerns linked to glyphosate, genetically modified organisms and endocrine disruptors, the Commission committed to improve the transparency and sustainability of the EU risk assessment in the food chain. Therefore, in April 2018 it proposed to review the General Food Law and amend eight legislative acts dealing with specific food chain sectors: GMOs, feed additives, smoke flavourings, food contact materials, food additives, food enzymes and flavourings, plant protection products and novel foods (COM(2018) 179 final). After a provisional agreement between the Council and the European Parliament, the text is on the verge of being formally approved by the co-legislators.


This workshop provides an opportunity to engage experts on food law in a dialogue on the revised rules for the risk assessment on food and for the governance and operation of EFSA. It is organized in the form of an expert dialogue where the most relevant implications of the reform will be examined. Thus, the workshop will address the main changes to the existing legal framework and their impact on specific aspects of the general food law regulation, contributing to a first assessment of the reform by academics and practitioners at the outset of its entry into force. In particular, it will address not only the innovations with regard to food regulation and risk assessment methods, but also with regard to the institutional setting for the functioning of the EFSA. Particular attention will be paid to the implications for the independence and transparency of this agency and of the scientific studies on which its decisions are based.


10.30-10.45 Welcome and introduction by Ellen Vos and Annalisa Volpato (Maastricht University)

The Main Innovations of the Revised Rules and their Implications (I)

  • Chair: Annalisa Volpato (Maastricht University)
  • for EU food law: Ellen Vos (Maastricht University)
  • for public consultation: Caoimhin Mac Maolain (Trinity College Dublin)
  • for risk assessment methods: Alie de Boer (Maastricht University)
  • for novel foods: Beatrice La Porta (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
  • Discussion, introduced by Péter Bokor (DG Sante, European Commission)
12.30-13.30 Lunch

The Main Innovations of the Revised Rules and their Implications (II)

  • Chair: Ellen Vos (Maastricht University)
  • for the independence of scientific studies: Natassa Athanasiadou (Maastricht University)
  • for transparency: Sabrina Röttger-Wirtz (Maastricht University)
  • for access to documents: Dirk Detken (Head of Legal and Regulatory Affairs at EFSA)
  • for institutional balance: Annalisa Volpato (Maastricht University)
  • Discussion, introduced by Matteo Menegatti (ENVI secretariat, European Parliament)
15.00-15.15 Closing



Maastricht University Campus Brussels
Avenue de Tervueren 153
1150 Brussels

How to get to the UM Campus Brussels:

  • Metro: from the Central station take the purple metro line 1 leading to Stockel (not line 5 to Herrmann-Debroux) and get off at ‘Montgomery’. Take exit ‘Boulevard de Saint-Michel / Avenue de Tervueren 1-171 and then turn right. The UM Campus Brussels will be after 30 meters on your left hand.
  • Brussels Airport: take bus 12 or bus 21 that both cover the area between Brussels Airport and the city center. In both cases get off at ‘Diamant’ and take the tram line 23 or 24 both in the direction of ‘Vanderkindere’ or take line 25 in the direction of Boondaal Station. Get off at ‘Montgomery’. Take exit ‘Boulevard de Saint-Michel / Avenue de Tervueren 1-171 and then turn right. The UM Campus Brussels will be after 30 meters on your left hand.

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