30 Nov

PhD conferral Mr Lusajo J. Kajula, MSc.

Supervisor: prof.dr. H. de Vries
Co-supervisor: prof.dr. S.F. Kaaya

“Adolescent Sexual Health Communication with Parents and Peers and the Associated Parenting Practices in Dar es Salaam Tanzania; Parent-Adolescent Dynamics in Times of HIV/AIDS”

Parent - adolescent relationship remains one of the most influential for adolescent sexual health outcomes. Studies indicate that parent-child connectedness and resulting communication is associated with reduced adolescent risky behaviors. Concerns of parent-adolescent sexual health communication in Tanzania and the associated parenting practices are described in detail. This dissertation focuses on two main goals - first is the description of parenting practices associated with adolescent sexual health while the second is improving our understanding of parent and peer sexual health communication with adolescents. Effectiveness of preventive programs targeting adolescents has been suggested to improve when they include important contextual stakeholders such as parents and peers.

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