13 Dec

PhD Conferral Mr. ing. Henk van der Linde

Supervisor: prof.dr. P.G.A. Volders
Co-supervisors: dr. D.J. Gallacher, Janssen Research Development, Beerse, België


“The cardiac ElectroMechanicl Window & Arrhythmogenesis. Veni-Vidi-Vivo”

During the development of medicines, people try to minimize the risk of unwanted side effects. In particular, the “torsades de pointes” side effect (TdP; a chamber rhythm disorder) is feared. Patients with the hereditary long QT syndrome are particularly sensitive. They may unexpectedly faint or sometimes suddenly die. In this research, a unique model was developed to study the development of TdP in detail. The studies were done in narcotized dogs so that the animals did not experience any pain or stress. We identified a groundbreaking new parameter, the electromechanical window (EMW). This parameter has the potential to more adequately determine the risk of TdP during drug development. Currently EMW measurements are successfully evaluated by means of computer models and safety studies in cells by the pharmaceutical industry and in clinical studies with different patient populations by academic specialists worldwide.

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