08 Dec

Online PhD conferral Reem Aboushoush

Supervisors: Prof. dr. E.F.M. Wouters, Prof. Y.M. Janssen-Heininger

Co-supervisor: Dr. Niki L. Renaert

Key words: asthma, metabolism, glycolysis, oxidative reactions

"Metabolic reprogramming and redox perturbations: An interplay relevant to asthma"

Metabolic reprogramming that was initially described in cancer cells to support tumour growth is now known as a cause and/or a contributor to multiple diseases and inflammatory conditions. Additionally, a link between glycolytic reprogramming and redox status of the cells has been previously described through the pentose phosphate pathway that provides molecules necessary for the redox balance. The goal of this thesis was to investigate if and how changes in redox biochemistry affect cellular metabolism and vice versa. The work herein studied the role of this interplay in the context of developing asthma/allergic lung diseases. Asthma is a disease affecting the quality of life of over 300 million people worldwide with huge burden on economies. Due to the nature and the complexity of asthma as well as the lack of responsiveness to treatment for a substantial group of patients, this thesis aimed at broadening the current knowledge on molecular mechanisms underlying the disease progression. 

Click here for the full dissertation.

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