06 Jun
13:00 - 17:00
Intellectual Property Law

More than just a game




More Than Just a Game is a unique international series of academic-led conferences on Games and Interactive Entertainment Law with events in London, Paris, Madrid, Frankfurt, Munich, Maastricht and Milan attracting an international network of researchers and legal professionals who are passionate about the most successful and fastest-growing of the Creative Industries. Our mission is to build bridges between academia, the legal profession, and the games and interactive entertainment industries for the purpose of facilitating high-impact, industry-informed, multidisciplinary research.

Our events bring together creators, innovators, researchers, industry experts, in-house counsels, and practitioners to exchange ideas, discuss challenges, explore solutions and map those legal issues that must be addressed leading to better understanding, promotion and protection of interactive entertainment. Each conference is themed to gather specific perspectives informing future research and policy papers. So will the conference in Maastricht.


13.00 - 13.20

13.20 - 13.30 Welcome
13.30 - 14.45

Video games as copyright works and interactive storytelling
Chair: Gaetano Dimita (Queen Mary University of London)

The speakers will address the legal qualification of video games as a computer programme or a copyright work. Also, the legal protection for board games and how that may change when games are offered in a digital context will be addressed.

“Games according to Dutch law: copyright work or computer programme?”, by Rene Otto (Laywer Van Iersel Luchtman Advocaten)
“Legal Protection of Board Games – from classic to digital”, by Philip Usadel (Legal Counsel Ravensburger AG)

14.45 - 15.15 Break
15.15 - 16.30

Serious games in health care
Chair: Anke Moerland (Maastricht University)

This panel will address the impact of medical device law and the GDPR on the development and functioning of games used in healthcare.

"What challenges might the new European Medical Device Regulations bring for serious games in healthcare?" by Rik Geurts (Lawyer Van Iersel Luchtman Advocaten)
" What if games become medicine?" by Jurriaan van Rijswijk (Games for Health Foundation)

16.30 - 17.15

Fireside chat on the role of competition law in the video game industry and platform dominance
Chair: Anselm Kamperman Sanders (Maastricht University)

Andrea Rizzi (Partner Insight Studio Legale)
Thomas Graf (Lawyer Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP)

17.15 - 18.00                                      Networking snacks and drinks


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