M-EPLI Talks

M-EPLI Talks offer a forum to share academic work and ideas. These meetings take place twice a month during the academic year at the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University. Guest speakers are invited to:

  • Present work in progress, including papers and PhD dissertations.
  • Present academic projects to M-EPLI Fellows, including book or conference projects.
  • Critically comment on recent developments in the law, either at national or European levels, including changes in legislation, doctrine, and case law that might trigger future work in progress.

M-EPLI Talks 2025

19 February 2025,
11:00 - 12:30
Dr. Timothy DodsworthThe Underlying Values of German and English Contract Law
13 March 2025,
13:30 - 15:00
Prof. dr. Bianca Gardella Tedeschi Elders as Vulnerable Consumers 
9 April 2025,
11:00 - 12:30
Dr. Rebecca Ravalli Consumer law and global value chains: Tracing a missing link in EU law

Past seminars

  • Vageesh Saxena: CyberCrime-Linker: Analyzing Behavorial Patterns to Link and Identify Vendors in Online Criminal Spaces.
  • Francesco Zappatore (University of Foggia): ‘Private Law, Public Goals: Comparative Reflections on Punitive Damages.
  • Wen-Ting Yang: 

    Data-driven Nudges in Investment Apps ― An Opportunity to Develop a Healthy and Sustainable Financial Environment Amidst the Retail Investment Boom.

  • Benedikt Schmitz (University of Groningen): At the Intersection of Conflicts Law and Consumer Law: 'MS May'-Exceptions in the Light of Article 6 Rome I Regulation.
  • Antoine Louis: People and the Law with Language Models.
  • Eline Couperus: The Role of the Fundamental Freedom to Conduct a Business in a “Social” Europe.
  • Klaas Eller: Urban transnational law: Infrastructure and Social Order in the City. 
    This talk was co-organized with Glaw-Net.
  • Valerio D’Alessandro (University of Rome Tor Vergata): Private Law in the Time of Personalization: Toward a New Imaginary of the Legal Subject?
  • Paweł Hajduk (Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie): “Five years later, or a brief tale of hurdles of the private enforcement of the GDPR”
  • Jie Ouyang (Groningen): ''Embedded consumer': Towards a constitutional reframing of the legal image of consumers''
  • Rachael Walsh: 'Deliberative Property: Managing Complexity in Property Systems' 
  • Vanessa Mak: Who is the Consumer? The Transformation of Consumer Law and Policy in the EU in Light of the Twin Challenges of Digitalisation and Sustainability.
  • Eva Vermeulen: ''Dimensions of Inequality and Property Law Design – a capability 
    perspective on Dutch housing''
  • Giovanni Tuzet: This talk is organised in conjunction with the Foundations group.
  • Lorna Fox O'Mahony: The Future of Housing: Resilient Property Theory, Systemic Methodology and Sustainable Solutions
  • Melvin Tjon Akon: Valuing ‘Value for money’: the wins and fails of the product governance approach to regulating consumer credit prices
  • Víðir Smári Petersen: Preventing Cross-Contamination Between Expropriations and Regulatory Excess
  • Mindy Duffourc: Tort Liability for AI-driven Technologies in Surgery
  • Deimante Rimkute: Justifying AI-related Rights and Obligations within the EU:  A Study of European Safety Regulations and Tort Law 
  • Aleydis Nissen: Global Value Chain Regulation in the Era of Geopolitics
    Organised by GLawNET
  • Prof. dr. Toshiyuki Kono: GVC as a network and the position of Private International Law

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