JURIX 2023


36th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems.

Click here to go to the Jurix website (extra info & registration)

This year, JURIX conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems will be hosted in Maastricht, the Netherlands (Faculty of Law, Maastricht) and will take place from 18 to 20 December, 2023.
The Foundation for Legal Knowledge Based Systems (JURIX) is an organisation of researchers in the field of Law and Computer Science in the Netherlands and Flanders. Since 1988, JURIX has held annual international conferences on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. 
The proceedings of the conferences will be published in the Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Applications series of IOS Press. JURIX follows the Golden Standard and provides one of the best dissemination platforms in AI & law. 

You can click on the oker and green buttons on the right side to find more detailed information about the event and to register.

About the Event Organizer
Maastricht University (UM) is the most international university in the Netherlands and, with nearly 22,000 students and 4,400 employees, is still growing. The university distinguishes itself with its innovative education model, international character and multidisciplinary approach to research and education. Today, it is considered one of the best young universities in the world.

The local organizer of JURIX 2023 – Maastricht Law and Tech Lab – fosters a community of legal researchers and computer scientists who work collaboratively to integrate law and computer science methods.​ 

Please click on the green button on the right side in order to register. Note that early registration rates apply until 30 November 2023. The proceedings will be published after the conference (see 'Proceedings'). 

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