Maastricht Law and Tech Lab

Law and Tech Lab

At the Maastricht Law and Tech Lab, we believe that we can create a better society by combining expertise in law and computer science to study digital transformation. Our interdisciplinary lab fosters a community of researchers who work collaboratively to integrate law and computer science methods.

Our researchers

The Maastricht Law and Tech Lab brings together a vibrant multi- and inter-disciplinary community from the Maastricht University Law Faculty and beyond.

The Lab houses a dynamic and diverse group of researchers, who bring legal and computer science expertise from public and private sectors and various jurisdictions.

Find out more about our research team here.

Gijs van Dyck_Netherlands eScience Center_Law Blogs Maastricht

Lab Director: Gijs van Dijck

Sectorplan Digital Legal Studies

Within the Sectorplan Digital Legal Studies, the Law and Tech Lab will create a sustainable digital-legal research infrastructure. The research project focuses on:

  • Creating a database (e.g. graph database) that stores and links metadata, initially focusing on publically available judicial and legislative datasets, that is suitable for
  • Testing and developing analytical tools (AI), to
  • Answer selected (empirical) legal research questions.

To achieve high-quality research infrastructures, collaboration is essential. Maastricht University therefore aims to be the initiator of creating a national and international platform that brings together and coordinates the activities for building digital-legal research infrastructures. On a national level, Maastricht University cooperates with Radboud University, Tilburg University and the University of Amsterdam in the Sectorplan Digital Legal Studies.

What is the sector plan?

Through the sector plan in Social Sciences and Humanities, the Dutch government is investing in the expansion of research capacity and the ability to attract and retain new research talent. The sector plans contribute to overarching aims, such as strategic cooperation between universities in the areas of research, education and social objectives. A sector plan grant provides additional funding for a six-year period from 2019-2025.

News from the Lab

  • ‘Am AI Right?’, a research project created by an interdisciplinary team of researchers of the Law and Tech Lab and the Brightlands Institute for Smart Society (BISS), aims to revolutionize access to legal expertise.

  • In March, Dr. Konrad Kollnig was granted an AiNed Fellowship for his research project RegTech4AI. The project combines expertise in law and technology to develop regulatory technologies for citizens, enforcement agencies, and businesses in the domain of artificial intelligence (AI). This shall...

  • In the recent allocation of grants within the AiNed Fellowship program, the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University was awarded a Fellowship for a research project by Dr. Konrad Kollnig. With the project 'RegTech4AI: Pioneering Regulatory Technologies for AI and Making AI Regulation Work in Practice...

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