15 Dec
10:00 - 17:30

Globalization as a Challenge to National Sovereignty

The Constitutional Law Conference – Staatsrechtconferentie – 2017 will address the definition and meaning of sovereignty, both in terms of modern developments and the evolution of the EU. In this regard, the conference will be centered on the viable avenues towards the reconciliation of the classical concepts of sovereignty, democracy and legitimacy with modern supranational solutions.

*Working language will be partly Dutch and English


10.00-10.30 Welcome / Registration
10.30-10.45 Opening by Prof. Dr. J. Smits, Dean Faculty of Law, Maastricht University
10.45-11.30 Keynote lecture I (English) by Prof. Dr. Dr. Udo Di Fabio, followed by Q&A
11.30-12.15 Keynote lecture II (Dutch) by Prof. Dr. W.T. Eijsbouts, 'European Sovereignty - in fact, in action, in law, in a notion' followed by Q&A
12.15-12.45 Plenary discussion|
12.45-13.00 Ceremony Thesis Prize of the Dutch Association of Constitutional Law by Prof. Mr. Roel de Lange (EUR)
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-16.00 Parallel workshops
16.00 -16/15 Coffee break
16.15-16.45 Reports from workshops
16.45-17.15 Prof. Dr. B.E.F.M. de Witte, concluding comments
17.15 -17.30 Plenary discussion

Parallel workshops

It is not possible anymore to submit papers for the conference. The deadline for submission was 1 December 2017. The organisation decided - based upon the amount of delegates and the submitted papers - to have three workshops:

1- EU Democracy / Dual Legitimacy, by Thu Hoai Nguyen and Sascha Hardt
2- Core sovereignty, by Jana Trifunovic
3- Transfer of sovereignty by Sofie Wolf

Conference Fee

The attendance fee regarding this conference is only €100,- per person incl. breaks, lunch and drinks afterwards. The number of participants is limited and registrations will be handled on a first come, first serve basis. 

Hotel accommodation

We have made arrangements with our partner hotel Crowne Plaza Maastricht for this event. Please visit this special part of the hotel website for more information and bookings. You can book a single room including breakfast for € 125,00 per night. 
There is a possibility to park your car at the hotel parking garage for an amount of €18,50 a day. Please contact the hotel to reserve a parking place. For (contact)details as well as a route description, please click here.

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