23 Jun 24 Jun
11:00 - 17:15

Competition & IP in the Digital Markets: A comparative & inter-disciplinary perspective

Following digitalization of even the most traditional brick and mortar sectors of the economy - such as books, retail and even education - a well-functioning internal market can only be guaranteed by ensuring competitiveness of the digital markets. The benefits of a digital single market cannot be under-estimated. Relentless innovation has facilitated this trend of digitalization and digitization. What role do intellectual property law and competition law play in this digital world? How can a more economic analysis strengthen our innovation policies to achieve a truly competitive digital single market?

In this conference, we explore this digital dynamic of competition and intellectual property law from an inter-disciplinary perspective. A well-balanced debate and meaningful discussion on innovation in the digital economy, calls for a discussion on the legal and economic perspective on digital markets, such as by an examination of the potential effects of (allegedly) exclusionary and exploitative conduct carried out by the multi-sided platforms.

Call for Abstracts: VIDEO available HERE

Follow us on Linkedin & Research Gate and #COMIPinDigiMarkts on digital platforms.

For law blogs by our participants at the conference, please see https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/blog/blog_group/law-5523​ with #COMIPinDigiMarkts2022. 


Programme on 23 June

11.00h PhD workshop by John Hagedoorn and Kalpana Tyagi (reserved only for invited PhD candidates)
13.00h Registration & Welcome Coffee
13.30h Welcome Note by Anselm Kamperman Sanders
13.45h Session 1: Contribution of the ECN+ Directive digital enforcement in the EU 
  • Chair: Caroline Cauffman
  • RPM and e-commerce after the fining decision of the Dutch ACM in Samsung (2021): an analysis of the legal qualification of vertical information exchange enabled by web crawlers, price comparison sites, and spider software under the competition rules by Pim Jansen
  • Discussant: Niels Philipsen
  • The Italian Amazon Case: When Applying Traditional Antitrust Law is Enough to Protect Competition in Digital Markets? by Mariateresa Maggiolino
  • Discussant: Thomas Tombal
  • Transposition of the ECN+ Directive in Albania as an EU candidate country: the impact and challenges in the Albanian digital environment by Gentjan Skara & Bojara Hajdini
  • Discussant: Maria José Schmidt-Kessen
15.00h Break
15.30h Session 2: Exploitative & Exclusionary conduct in the digital world: An economic
  • Chair: Niels Philipsen
  • Keynote speech: Big Data and Data-Related Abuses of Market Power by D. Daniel Sokol
  • The Digital Market Competition in India: An Empirical Study into the Operation of Online Platforms in India by Beena Saraswathy 
  • Discussant: Subhashish Gupta
  • The Digital Markets Act Amendments: Be Careful What You Wish For by Oles Andriychuk
  • Discussant: Julian Nowag
16.45h Break
17.15h Session 3: Competition and IP law in the digital world 
  • Chair: Anselm Kamperman Sanders
  • Keynote speech: Interfaces and Interoperability After Google v. Oracle by Pamela Samuelson
  • To what extent will Intellectual Property Rights be impacted by Antitrust responses to issues surrounding data? by Myles Rogerson
  • Discussant: Peter Georg Picht
  • AI-generated Inventions: Implications for the Patent System by Gaétan De Rassenfosse and Adam Jaffe
  • Discussant: Christopher Heath

Programme on 24 June

09.00h Session Platform conduct in the digital world: An economic perspective
  • Chair: John Hagedoorn
  • Challenges to competition and innovation in digital platform markets: Insights from Latin American cases by Juan David Guttiérez and Manuel Abarca
  • Discussant: Friso Bostoen
  • Exploring the Regulation of Access to Datasets, Algorithms and Source Code in the EU’s Digital Single Market Framework by Joanna Mazur
  • Discusssant: Oles Andriychuk
  • Regulation of digital platforms: context, criteria, containment and beyond by Mehmet B. Unver
  • Discussant: Lela Mélon
10.15h Break
10.45h Session Competition, IP and the innovation debate in the digital markets
  • Chair: Peter Georg Picht
  • Impact of FRAND Licensing of Standard Essential Patentls on the Supply Chain Management by Huang-Chih Sung
  • Discussant: Barbara Lauriat
  • Reconceptualize the Interface between Copyright & Design for 3D Printing by Angelia Jia Wang
  • Discussant: Ana Ramalho
  • A Competition Law Framework for Data Sharing Agreements: Setting the Stage for EU Data
    Spaces by Margherita Corrado and Laura Zoboli
  • Discussant: Pim Jansen
12.00h Lunch
13.30h Session Competition and IP law in the digital world
  • Chair: Kalpana Tyagi
  • Geo-Blocking as a tool to prevent being sued in EU Member States for cross-border copyright infringements? by Birgit van Houtert
  • Discussant: Anke Moerland
  • An Examination of Music Performers' Economic Rights in the Digital Era by Maite Arcos
  • Discussant: Lela Mélon
  • Digital Rights Management Systems and Exploitation under Article 102 TFEU: Revisiting the Interaction between Intellectual Property and Competition Law by Juan Pablo Iglesias
  • Discussant: Ana Ramalho
14.45h Break
15.15h Session Exploitative & Exclusionary conduct in the digital world: An economic perspective
  • Chair: Daniel L. Rubinfeld
  • Platform and Device Neutrality Regime: The New Competition Rulebook for App Stores? by Oscar Borgogno and Giuseppe Colangelo
  • Discussant: Caroline Cauffman
  • Platform disruptions of supply by Friso Bostoen
  • Discussant: Sarah Schoenmaekers
  • Ensuring contestability and fairness in digital markets through regulation: A comparative analysis of the EU, UK and US approaches by Thomas Tombal
  • Discussant: Mauricette Schaufeli
16.30h Note of thanks & the Road Ahead for #COMIPinDigiMarkts by Kalpana Tyagi


PhD workshop & Poster Presentations

Presentations in the Inter-disciplinary PhD workshop and Poster Presentations (in alphabetical order):

  • Liesbet Van Acker*: The new Vertical Block Exemption Regulation: An adequate answer to supply chain digitalization?
  • Maciej Janik*: The Autorité de la Concurrence’s interim decision against Google’s circumvention of the related right of press publishers: a step in the right direction for competition law or a step too far?
  • Margherita Corrado+: What is the Role of Intellectual Property Law in Fostering the Circular Economy? 
  • Oscar Borgagno+: App Stores as Public Utilities?
  • Pratiksha Ashok+*: Algorithmic Transparency – A Comparative Analysis of Disclosures Concerning Rankings in the EU and India
  • Qian Li*: AI-enabled Price Discrimination as an Exploitative or Exclusionaly Abuse: A Comparative Law and Economics Perspective
  • Shreekanth Mahendiran*: Fight or Surrender to Pirates: Non-Market Strategy & Incumbent Response to Trademark Infringement
  • Xi Lin+: The Copyrigh Protection of Fictional Characters: Mainland China Compared with the United States and Germany Brought into an Economic Perspective

+ PhD Workshop
*Posters will be available throughout the conference in the conference hall. Please take a moment to stop by and share your valuable inputs with the presentors.


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