23 Apr
Alumni event

Coach Café

Kick-start your career at the UM Coach Cafe! What are your talents? Which dreams do you chase, and what makes you truly happy? Join us at the Coach Cafe and get together with fellow alumni and our coaches to discuss the next steps in your career.

Specially for UM alumni who graduated 0-5 years ago, master’s students and third-year bachelor’s students, the UM Alumni Office, together with Career Services, organises the Coach Café. In three quick rounds, you will talk about the next steps in your career with other participants and an (alum) coach. We will wrap up the evening with a ‘Living LinkedIn’.

At the end of the evening you will have:

  • new perspectives on your future;
  • a more focused idea of your possibilities;
  • a more concrete action plan;
  • an expanded network with new professional contacts.

Watch this video for more info and experiences of the participants.

Date, Time, Location

Date: Tuesday 23 April 2024
Time: 19.00-21.50 (with drinks afterwards till 22.30) 
Location: Bold Rooftopbar Maastricht
Entrance fee: €10,59 (incl. drinks and bites) 


19.00-19.15 – Registration & welcome
19.15-19.25 – Welcome + explanation of the programme
19.30-20.00 – Round I (Talents)
20.00-20.05 – Switch tables
20.05-20.35 – Round II (Dream)
20.35-20.45 – Switch tables
20.45-21.15 – Round III (Next step)
21.15-21.20 – Switch tables
21.20-21.50 – Round IV (Living LinkedIn) (plenary)
21.50 – end – Wrap up followed by drinks until approx. 22.30


Because of the great interest, the event is already fully booked! You can register here for the waiting list. If you are unable to attend, please let us know via alumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Meet the Coaches!

The coaches are there specially for you and work on a voluntary base. Meet already the coaches by clicking here!

We look forward to meeting you on 23 April!

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