16 Apr
14:00 - 17:00
MCEL & CERiM Joint Event

Brexit: Legal and Political Implications


Maastricht University, Student Service Centre (SSC), Bonnefantenstraat 2, Maastricht

Tuesday 16 April 2019, 14.00-17.00

Location/room: Karl Dittrich Hall


14.00-14.05 Welcome by Ellen Vos - MCEL Co-Director, Professor of European Law, Maastricht University

Panel 1, Brexit in the light of the EU and Member States’ constitutional principles

Chair: Maja Brkan, Associate Professor of EU Law, Associate Director of the Maastricht
Centre for European Law

Brexit - Constitutional Decisions of the UK and the EU
Thomas Beukers - Senior Legal Advisor, The Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Scrutiny of the Brexit process within the EU27: National parliaments and the EP
Diane Fromage - Assistant Professor of European Law, CERiM Research coordinator, Maastricht University 

The Impact of the Withdrawal Agreement on EU Law
Bruno de Witte - MCEL Co-Director, Professor of European Law, Maastricht University

The UK’s participation in EU agencies post-Brexit 
Laura Dohmen - Lecturer, European Law, Maastricht University

15.25-15.40 Coffee break

Panel 2, Brexit at the interplay between political science and international law

Chair: Bruno de Witte - MCEL Co-Director, Professor of European Law, Maastricht University

The Politics of Brexit
Thomas Christiansen – Professor of European Institutional Politics, Department of Political Science

Why Brexit shouldn’t be the end of referendum?
Lea Raible - Assistant Professor, International and European Law, Maastricht University

‘Like trying to pick up mercury with a fork’: The Good Friday Agreement, Brexit, and the ‘Irish’ Border Problem
John Cotter - Lecturer, International and European Law, Maastricht University

Brexit as Functional Secession
Jure Vidmar - Professor of Public International Law, Maastricht University




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