Prof Dr Constant van Schayck (C.P.)
- Lid Expertgroep at Cahag
- Voorzitten van bestuursvergaderingen at Voorzitter Stichting Implementatie Gezonde Basisschool van d
- Advisering ten aanzien van zorgverbetering at Bestuur Regionale Zorgverbetering astma/COPD
Prof Dr Constant van Schayck (C.P.)
Current position:
Professor of Preventive Medicine
Scientific Director of the National Research School CaRe,
Van Schayck was appointed in 2013 as visiting professor at the medical faculty of the University of Edinburgh.
Other relevant experience and professional memberships:
Van Schayck chaired or is chairing many international commissions, such as:
- Three WHO commissions on the global primary care diagnosis and treatment of asthma, COPD and rhinitis (IPAG)
- European Scientific Group on Primary Care of the European Respiratory Society
- WHO Global Initiative for Asthma Dissemination Committee
Participation in national and international scientific advisory boards
- EU Commission scientific advisory board of the 5th and 6th FP, Brussels (1999 – 2004);
- Scientific advisory board of NWO (‘Gebiedsbestuur Medische Wetenschappen’- Divisional Board Medical Sciences) (2002 - 2007);
- Scientific Advisory Board of the Dutch Asthma Foundation (2002 - onwards);
- Scientific Advisory Board of ZonMW (Programme Prevention) (1998-2006);
- Scientific Advisory Board of ZonMW VIDI (2010 - 2012);
- NHG commission for the Dutch Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of asthma and COPD in general practice (1996 - onwards);
- Two committees of the Health Council of the Netherlands on the Prevention of Asthma and Asthma and Food Allergy (2006 - 2008);
- Chair of the National Partnership Smoking Cessation (2010 – 2013);
- Chair of ‘Holland Smoke Free-Alliance’. (Umbrella organisation of Dutch Cancer League, Dutch Heart Foundation, Dutch Asthma Foundation and the Partnership Stop Smoking, consisting of 32 partner organisations, among which the Dutch Societies for Medical Oncologists, Paediatrics and General Practitioners) (2011 – 2013).
- Chair European Conference SRNT (2015)
Scientific publications
Van Schayck has been acknowledged to be the most cited researcher in the field of asthma and COPD in general practice/primary care in 2009 and 2010 (Scopus).
Since 1990, Van Schayck has published 392 papers in peer reviewed international journals, among which the highest impact medical journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) and the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Of these 392 papers, 72 were published as first (lead) author and 320 as last and co-author. In addition, 116 papers were published in Dutch Medical Journals, of which 51 as first author and 65 as last and co-author. His Hirsch Index (Google Scholar) is 50.
Grants (last 10 years)
Total funding obtained until 2015 of more than 60 research grants adds up to 46 million Euro governmental and charity grants. These grants have been obtained from prestigious funding organisations, such as, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMW), the Asthma Foundation, Prevention Fund, and others.
PhD Students
From 1988 C.P. Van Schayck is (and has been) responsible for a total of 62 research fellows as co- promoter until 1997 and as promoter from 1998 – onwards.