Christofer Bingener, alumnus MA Arts & Culture: Modern Political Culture


Alumnus Christofer Bingener studied the master's programme Arts and Culture: Modern Political Culture (MPC). In our interview he told us more about his experience with the programme and student life in Maastricht. 

When we asked Christofer what made his study programme unique, he told us the following: "In essence, MPC's strength lies not only in its rich contents but also in its approach to understanding. I am certain that its interdisciplinary nature is essential for getting a profound insight into today's world with all its complexities. My experience with MPC was transformative, prompting me to challenge long-held narratives. The programme encourages you to be skeptical of easy answers and to appreciate the value of deep and nuanced analyzing of complex political phenomena. Even if this involves acknowledging personal misconceptions or previously unrecognized aspects of certain issues."

Christofer also had a favourite course; "My favourite course, "Researching the Field: Democracy, Identity, and Communication," taught by Darian Meacham, was not only the most challenging but also the most rewarding. We delved deep into democracy, national identities, and the roots of political violence. It enabled me to critically examine contemporary political issues through a multifaceted lens, combining abstract philosophical theories with practical methodologies. The depth of this course significantly enhanced my analytical skills and contributed to my personal and academic growth. It also set a solid foundation for my thesis."

We also asked him what his biggest challenge was during his academic career. To this question he stated; "The biggest challenge in the master's programme was definitely its packed one-year schedule. However, despite its intensity, Maastricht University offered outstanding support. The university's dedication to student success was clear in the guidance and resources they provided, making sure we were well-supported with any questions or doubts. This was particularly important during the thesis phase, where we applied our theoretical knowledge to complex case studies."

Looking back on his time in Maastricht / FASoS, it truly felt like it was a defining period of his life. He said: "The beautiful city of Maastricht, with its international vibe and welcoming community, quickly felt like home. The friendships I made there were not just collage memories but a lasting part of my personal journey. The master's programme was challenging, but absolutely worth it. Maastricht and FASoS shaped me academically, but also played a crucial role in my personal development."

Living in Maastricht as a student was an awesome experience, according to Christoffer. "The city’s international vibe really brought it to life. With students from all around the world, Maastricht has its own very unique and inclusive atmosphere. I personally loved the university's sports programme. USC offers basically any sport you can think of for a very fair monthly fee. Plus, there are loads of bars around crowded with students. For me, Maastricht wasn't just about academics; it was about enjoying a vibrant student life in a really beautiful, historic city."

Currently Christofer works in innovation management at a political consultancy. He told us: "During my master's, I’ve had the chance to intern with Der Spiegel, a major German news outlet, allowing me to blend my academic studies with practical journalistic experience. At the moment, I work in innovation management at a political consultancy. My role focuses on enabling NGOs to utilize AI in order to amplify their voices in democratic discourse. The position allows me to apply theoretical knowledge from MPC into practice, developing strategies that foster a more inclusive and pluralistic debate. As of now, I prepare to transition to a big digitization association. I believe my dynamic career path mirrors the broad range of opportunities that my MPC opens up in the political sector."

The master's programme at Maastricht University was crucial for his current career. It provided deep insight into modern politics and how it intersects with media, and public discourse. The programmes broad approach sharpened his analytical skills and expanded his perspective, helping him tackle various challenges in his field more efficiently. This foundation has been vital in his work with NGOs, politicians, consultants, and journalists, enabling him to make a meaningful contribution to his field.

Christofer still keeps in touch with his friends from FASoS.  "The programme was so international that I made friends across Europe. We've even managed to go on vacation together, which was a great experience. However, keeping these friends close can be challenging since everyone has move on to various countries after the programme had finished. However, we make efforts to stay connected and support our personal and professional journeys, which helps maintain our bonds despite the distance."

January 2024