Christian Scholl (C.)

Christian Scholl (PhD) is Assistant Professor at the Maastricht Sustainability Institute of Maastricht University, Principal Investigator of the SURFIT project ("Scaling Urban Regenerative Food Systems in Transition") and Programme Leader of the Master's Programme "Sustainability Science, Policy and Society". He combines passionate teaching in the Master program "Sustainability Science, Policy and Society" with a collaborative research practice in transdisciplinary and socially relevant research projects. His research focuses on urban sustainability, participatory and collaborative forms of governance, social movements and social learning. He has coordinated several transdisciplinary research projects on City Labs and Urban Living Labs delivering interactive and reflexive support tools for practitioners and their experimental learning processes. These tools have been widely disseminated and well received by a wide range of governance actors.


Combined with a broad theoretical interest in political and democratic theories, urban and social movement studies, my research focuses on His research focuses on urban sustainability, participatory and collaborative forms of governance, social movements and social learning.

In my previous research, I examined counter-globlalization protests in Europe, new forms of protest and control, and the climate justice movement .

Career history

since 2020 Assistant Professor at Maastricht Sustainability Institute

2017-2020 Permanent research fellow at Maastricht Sustainability Institute

2014-2017 Post-doctoral research fellow at Maastricht University

2012-2014 Post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Louvain

2009-2012 Lecturer at the Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam

2005-2009 Ph.D. candidate at the Amsterdam School for Social Science Research