Prof Dr Bernadette Jansma, Ph.D. (B.M.)
Initiation of English BA in Psychology at UM, FPN
Program Coordination of the international and interfaculty research master program "Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, and Psychopathology", FPN, UM (2005-2008)
Teacher and lecturer at the University of Maastricht, in the Psychology BA/MA and research master program (1998 until now):
Courses and lectures in the field of Cognitive Neuroscience (methods, attention and language, introduction to psychology, auditory/speech comprehension, neuro-economics, decision making), more specific:
Preparation and execution of trainings in methods of cognitive neuroscience (EEG)
Tutor in student groups according to principles of the problem based and research based (CORE) learning system of Maastricht University.
Supervision of several PHD students and their projects as co-promotor and promotor.
Supervision of student turn papers (theoretical and empirical BAs), individual empirical electives (ERP), and MA thesis in Psychology, and Cognitive Neuroscience (memory, language, attention).
Supervisor of UCM, UM, Capstone thesis (yearly).
Supervisor of Highschool research thesis (profieljaarwerkstuk, yearly).
Course Coordinator of MA and RMA courses "The cognitive neurosciences of auditory/speech processing " at FPN, UM. Coordinator of LAS UCM course "Introduction to psychology" at University College Maastricht (2002-2008). Coordinator of third year BA electivie "The cognitive Neuroscience of Language" at FPN, UM.
Academic Board Member of University College Maastricht 2002/3.
Academic advisor University College Maastricht ( until 2011).
Method advisor on "Experimental methods in language and space", introductory course at the Cognitive Anthropology Group, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (1997).
Teaching and research assistant, experimental design and statistics, Carolo-Wilhelmina University of Braunschweig, Germany (1990-93).