Prof Dr Bram Akkermans (B.)

Bram Akkermans is Professor of Property Law. Bram specialises in sustainability and property law and combines property theory with constitutional property and property doctrine to explore how property law can accommodate sustainable thinking. 

He has widely published on comparative and European property law, both in the area of European economic integration, human rights and - more recently - property theory incoporating sustainability. He is co-editor of the Ius Commune Casebook on Property Law (2012, Hart Publishing), author of The Principle of Numerus Clausus in European Property Law (2008, Intersentia) and Sustainable Property Law. Reckoning - Resilience - Reform (2022, Eleven International Publishing). In 2024 the edited volume Research Agenda for Property Law will appear with Edward Elgar Publishing.


- Sustainable Property Law

- Private Law

- Comparative Private Law

- European Union Private Law

- Dutch Property Law

- European Property Law

Career history

Bram Akkermans (1979) holds a law degree from the European Law School at Maastricht University (the Netherlands) (2002) and studied at Stellenbosch University (South Africa).  After his studies, he was a course developer and lecturer in International and European Law at Fontys University of Professional Education (Eindhoven, the Netherlands).

In February 2004, Bram Akkermans started working as a junior researcher at the Faculty of Law, Maastricht University. His Ph.D. research, under supervision of Prof. dr. J.H.M. Van Erp, concerns the principle of numerus clausus and concepts of ownership in Europe. The project attempts to create a framework for harmonisation of property law in Europe by comparing the legal systems of the Netherlands, Germany, France, England and South Africa.

In October 2004 and 2006 he spent time at Brasenose College, Oxford University. In September and October 2005 he was a visiting scholar at the Zentrum für Eurpäische Rechtspolitik (ZERP), University of Bremen, and a guest at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign Private Law and Private International Law in Hamburg. In March 2007 he was a visiting researcher at the Faculty of Law at Stellenbosch University in South Africa.

During his time as a junior researcher he was representative of the Maastricht Ph.D. candidates in the Ius Commune Research School, chairman of the Ph.D. Council of the Research School and advisory member of the Board of that same Research School. His research was completed with a PhD Thesis ‘The Principle of Numerus Clausus in European Property Law’ in October 2008.

From February 2008 Bram was appointed Assistant Professor European Private Law at the Faculty of Law. Since 2012 an invited fellow to the South African Research Chair on Property Law (

He worked as a co-editor and author on the Ius Commune Casebook Property Law (, which was published in the summer of 2012. Moreover, he is associate director of the Maastricht University European Private Law Institute (MEPLI)'s and serves as editor to the European Property Law Journal. He regularly delivers papers on his research at national and international conferences.

In 2015 Bram Akkermans was appointed Associate Professor of European Private law.

Since June 2021 he is Professor of Property Law.

September 2012 - Present - Coordinator Bachelor Program European Law School, Maastricht University

Faculty of Law - Maastricht University

I am responsible for the content of the European Law School curriculum, the Maastricht fully English taught bachelor programme in law.


January 2011 - Present - Member of the Board of Directors of the UM Campus Brussels

Maastricht University - Campus Brussels

As a member of the board I am co-responsible for the running of the UM Campus Brussels, located in the heart of EU Brussels ()


February 2008 - Present - Member of the MARBLE for Excellence Steering Committee

Maastricht University

I am a member of the steering committee implementing the Maastricht Research Based Learning Project (SIRIUS I funding of the Dutch government). I am also responsible for the development and execution of MARBLE projects at the Faculty of Law.


February 2008 - Present - Assistant Professor European Private Law

Faculty of Law - Maastricht University

Responsible for the development, coordination and teaching in the field of comparative and European property law as well as European contract law.

Research in comparative and European property law.


February 2004 – January 2008 - Junior Researcher European Property Law

Faculty of Law - Maastricht University

Project: Numerus Clausus and Concepts of Ownership in Europe – Ph.D. research in comparative and European Property Law including Dutch, German, French, English and South African Law. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sjef (JHM) van Erp.

PhD Thesis: ‘The Principle of Numerus Clausus in European Property Law’ defended on 17 October 2008.


August 2002 - January 2004 - Lecturer Law and Course Developer

Institute Marketing Management - Fontys University of Professional Education Eindhoven

Project: Developed legal courses in curriculum International Business and Management Studies (IMBS). European Law, International Trade Law, Intellectual Property Law and European Private Law.