Anita van Oers (A.C.M.)


My name is Anita van Oers and I’m a senior research assistant at the department of Neuropsychology & Psychopharmacology. Since 1995 I’ve been involved in various studies that are conducted in this department.  My specialties are:

- Preparing / writing all files necessary to obtain medical ethical approval from the Medical Ethics Committee and the Competent Authority to conduct a study;

- Project Coordination of clinical trials (eg. subject recruitment, data management, data collection, logistics);

- Good Clinical Practice (GCP);

- “Drugs and Driving” studies;

- Quality Assurance and Quality Control (monitoring of various trials; writing and implementing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs))

- Coordination of the EEG-labs

Various skills I’ve acquired over the years are:

- Blood collection through venapunction or through insertion of a peripheral venous catheter;

- Obtaining an ECG; measuring vital signs;

- Working with Eprime (programming computer tasks; processing the acquired data);

- Contact person for all FPN bookings of the fMRI scanners.