Dutch Public Access to Government Information Act (Woo)

The Dutch Public Access to Government Information Act (Wet open overheid, Woo) regulates the right of citizens to receive government information from the government. 

Anyone can request Maastricht University’s (UM) Executive Board to make government information public. This information needs to be recorded in documents and UM has these documents at its disposal. Information that is made public following a Woo request becomes, in principle, available for everyone. 

How to submit a Woo request?

If you have a request, please include the following: 

  • Clarify your request is based on the Woo 
  • Describe the government information including the documents involved, as detailed as possible 
  • Include your name, address (for correspondence), date and signature 

Submit your Woo request in writing to: 

Universiteit Maastricht 
Attn. Juridische zaken w.r.t. Woo-verzoek 
Postbus 616 
6200 MD Maastricht 

Or send it to woo@maastrichtuniversity.nl