Covid 19 header image


Phase III:  Orange

To keep education going there are 4 phases of measures to reduce infections.

If the number of infections increases, the virus will first transition into 'Phase II Green'.  If infections continue to increase, "Phase III Orange' will follow. 

In 'Phase III Orange' the following measures will apply:

Additional measures

  • Use a self-test twice a week to protect yourself and others
  • Extra attention to high-risk groups for severe illness of COVID-19
  • Contact-reducing measures such as walking routes and wearing face masks 
  • Intensified use of distance learning
  • Work from home is advised for employees 
  • Spread teaching activities over the day; outdoors where possible 
Well-being in times of COVID-19

Travel & international mobility

International travel for students and staff
UM looks beyond national borders in terms of research and education. In doing so, the UM takes into account the government guidelines and the general travel advice issued by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Guidelines for study-related travel for UM students can be found here. Staff can find the Guidelines for business trips for employees here on intranet. 

Travelling to Maastricht
Incoming students and staff can check which rules and regulations apply via this website

Work and study from home

In Phase III Orange, we all work and study from home again. In doing so, we all need to adapt both our work and our home situation, and balance our work and private lives. In order to support you, we will provide you with information about working and studying from home if this measure is put into place.