Quick start WiFi@UM

UM account? Then you can rapidly go online.

  1. Connect to the WiFi network “UMnet”
  2. Login:
    • student: i<student number>@unimaas.nl 
    • employee: <account name>@unimaas.nl 
  3. Accept the certificate when asked. 
    You are now online.

No "UMnet" visible?

When you cannot find the network called "UMnet" you can also use the "Eduroam" network. Simply replace the network name in step one from “UMnet” to “Eduroam”. The rest of the steps remain unchanged.

A guest at UM?

  • Guest at UM? Ask your host for "Eduroam visitor access", also known as "eVA".
  • Or if your own organisation also uses Eduroam you can use your personal account.