Disability facilities at the School of Business and Economics (SBE)
The School of Business and Economics has several facilities available for disabled students. Which facilities you may use depends on your personal situation. Would you like to request access to these facilities? Then please contact the Disability Support Office.
Please note: the faculty decides whether you are eligible for a certain facility.
Exam facilities
- Extension of the exam time.
- Exam papers in larger font size.
- Exam can be done in a separate room at the faculty.
- Use of a computer/laptop to do the exam.
- Use of a special/adapted chair and/or table for doing the exam.
- The possibility to move around/stretch outside the exam room (e.g. for students with chronic back pain, other musculoskeletal complaints or problems sitting for long periods).
Educational facilities
- Extension of deadline for papers, essays or assignments.
- Adaptations to teaching material offered: course books and readers can be obtained in a digital or spoken form.
- Adaptations to teaching material offered: course books, readers and additional teaching material supplied during the tutorial group/lecture can be obtained in an adapted form (A3 instead of A4).
- Adaptations to material offered: literature list for each subject available (on request) to the student concerned well in advance (preferably at least one block period beforehand).
- Adapted schedule: specific arrangement with respect to times of tutorial groups and lectures.
- Adapted pace of courses to be followed.
- Upon request sheets from lectures, tutorial groups, presentations and the like can be made available to the student beforehand.
- Within the faculty building there is a computer workstation for educational use especially designed for students with a disability. The computer has a large screen: enlargement software is present on the computer and the workstation has been set up in an ergonomically responsible manner.
- The recording of lectures and tutorial groups.
- Extra support for internships or study periods abroad (for example, for the placement, required programme and duration of stay, including written support from UM for facilities to be supplied by the host university).
Other facilities
- The tutorial group and lectures take place in specially allocated rooms that satisfy the requirements for basic and integral accessibility and use requirements (for example, presence of a hearing induction loop).
- Use of a disabled parking place on the faculty grounds.