Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development

The Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) is a collaborative organisation of interdisciplinary experts on cross-border mobility, citizenship, transnationalism, migration and development. The research focuses on how cross-border mobility offers opportunities and poses challenges for individuals and their families, as well as for economies and societies at large, in both the origin and destination countries. Researchers investigate the opportunities and challenges associated with migration from four analytically distinct but related thematic perspectives. MACIMIDE is a joint effort of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities & Sciences, Faculty of Law and School of Business and Economics.


There are four research lines:

  • Migration & Development - the dynamics and relationship between the receiving countries (immigration) and the sending countries (emigration)
  • Transnational Families – the legal, cultural, social and economic issues that families and their members face in the context of international migration
  • Cross-Border Mobility – the European perspective of migration and asylum, specifically for people who live and work in border regions and the gap between applicable legal rules and the reality
  • Citizenship & Immigrant Integration – the two-way process in which newcomers and host societies work together to build a cohesive community

MACIMIDE researchers are also participating in the Institute for Transnational & Euregional Cross Border Cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) that conducts migration research as well.


MACIMIDE provides training to bachelor's and master's students in several programmes, such as the master's in Globalisation and Development, Public Policy and Human Development (with specialization in Migration Studies), and European Law. PhD programmes and courses for professionals are offered by the four faculties involved.

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