René Kemp


Prof René Kemp is professor of innovation and sustainable development at ICIS and professorial fellow of UNU-MERIT


Prof René Kemp is professor of innovation and sustainable development at ICIS and professorial fellow of UNU-MERIT. I am interested in the link between micro change and macro change. He is well-known for his work on strategic niche management, sociotechnical regime shifts and transition management. I have a background in (environmental) economics and innovation studies, but am a self-taught expert on the sociology of knowledge, public policy and political economy.

As a multidisciplinary researcher, I have published in innovation journals, ecological economics journals, policy journals, transport and energy journals, and sustainable development journals. I am advisory editor of Research Policy, editor of Sustainability Science and editor of Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. I currently work on resource efficiency, the circular economy, energy-efficiency of households, eco-innovation measurement, urban labs and socio-economic transformations in the following projects: POLFREE, SINCERE,, Energy efficiency of households in cities, URB@Exp, smarter labs, TRANSIT and a project for EEA about transformations.

All projects are international research projects. I have advised policy makers at numerous times.

+31 (0)43 38 83285

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